"Lines will be redrawn"

I doubt it. WoW2 is a death sentence

Ah, looks like I was wrong. NO BWONSAMDI ALLOWED it is.

And even then. IN all these instances Bwonsamdi releases the raised dead back to the afterlife.

If the Loa of Graves aids you, it’s nothing more then to ask your ancestors from beyond the grave for advise or help.

This is not comparable to Scourge Necromancy or any other form. It’s spiritual shamanism. Granted it is dark, but there is no violation of the spirits going on here.

Bwonsamdi is the the Loa of the Dead. He is literally the instance that has a say about the dead. There is a big difference if he or his followers temporarily call for the spirits aid and a Necromancer.

EQ2 was a death sentence, so yeah. I’m sure WoW 2: Golden’s Boogaloo would be.

I think it’s more that MMOs aren’t as popular as they used to be.

That may be, but Orcs and Tauren (who I imagine would be a good majority) don’t follow the Loa and may not see it in the same way. Regardless, it’s just a dumb theory that won’t even happen. :cry:

Yeah, at best I could see them doing ‘A Realm Reborn’ scenario (Azeroth Reborn?) and transform WoW into WoW2. But frankly it might be easier dev side to just start the game from scratch and only re-use assets to speed up art development. It’s no secret that WoW is buckling from 15 years of spaghetti code.

Faction 7: Worgen and Vulpera (into the trashcan they go)

Oh no…

Well, there’s, like, nine Wildhammers left.

As for a faction revamp, I’m remided of ole’ Vol’jin’s wisdom; everyone will think twice about joining the Horde with all this bloodshed.

Curveball; Calia as Queen of restored Lordaeron as the disgraced forsaken flee the Horde after Sylvanas is deposed. Given a new lease on “life” and genuine hope after the banshee queen did everything to crush it, the undead become a powerful force in the nerth.

Genn, meanwhile, throws the biggest fit ever as a result and the worgen go Horde to balance things, eternally grumbling to reclaim Gilneas!

Pandaren, Yaungol, reformed Mogu, hozen and jinyu are their own faction, mantids are their main antagonist.

Suramar pulls a Dalaran and plops down between Silvermoon and Quel’Danas, all the elves move. All of them. Their weird elf ways are represented in subzones, kaldorei get zul’aman, voids get ghostlands. High elves are playable, but only ten per server due to population concerns, first come, first served, unlocked via hidden quests.

Gnomeregan solves the three hammer succession crisis with spidertank diplomacy and establishes the Technocratic Union, making dwarves graduate to proper steampunk like responsible adults and scrapping the kingship for elections, candidates carefully hand picked to advance the interests of a towering New Gnomeregan. Counterrevolutionaries are volunteered for the dun morogh space program!

Orcs just kind of orc all over kalimdor, quickly using up its resources alongside the goblins. Mad Axe ensues, tauren grumble. Nordrassil is somehow intact as a result.

Trolls secure all of zandalar, darkspears sending the nazmani to bwonsamdi and restoring the ruins, making pilgrimage to his necropolis. There are somehow enough trolls to thrive just fine.

Draenei briefly sod off into space to recover people from a crumbling Shattrath. They settle the blasted lands because it has nothing else of worth. New Mac’Aree has a lightforged army and desert rangari.

Kul Tiras exists. Stormheim Vrykul sail to join their bulky cousins, Odyn’s hall hovering far above. Helya and the kvaldir attack all the time. It’s tedious, but giant ships help.

Meanwhile, in Stormwind, Anduin reforms the old god corrupted church with himself as pontifex maximus and humans get to be a cool kind of scarlet-ish kingdom, fierce and faithful without being embarrassing deus vult memers. A downside is a crusader’s fervour to bring the Light to Stranglethorn. They convert exactly 6 and a half trolls.

Kezan is reclaimed, rebuilt and burns to the ground in a month because the bilgewater cartel doesn’t offer insurance on anything. That’s tha’ price of doin’ bizness, chumps. Gallywix somehow survives because why wouldn’t he? Immune to consequences, he plops a city in a box into the sea and sets up a merchant republic on the water, becoming doge.

That’s all for now.


Show me on the doll where the tentacles touched you.

On topic I could see the tribal Horde races departing from the later additions. I don’t think the Alliance would see much change, though perhaps the night elves withdrew back to rebuild their homes in a time of relative peace.

I just think Sylvanas will be kicked off the Warchief position and go her own way against the Tyrande and Malfurion, the typical stuff Dark vs light, Dead vs Life. Could be possible for two new factions :man_shrugging: WHo knows what Blizz plans although if one leaves the other must too to make it equal. Although splitting up races from a faction is kinda risky and who needs 4 factions or 3? I hope they just keep going what’s happening now and we’ll see where the story takes us.

You all forgot:

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I was gonna reply to each of these in order, but the first one I thought of was “Kerriganvanas” and I realised that it applied to literally all of them at once.



Void Elves and Forsaken together.

Top kekkerino.

We’d insist on having the death knights along of course. We can’t very well complete our angsty drum circle without “Suffer Well” & Co.

What about DHs, shadow priests and Warlocks?

Demon Hunters belong in the same pile as Void Elves for both different and yet also identical reasons.

Humans, Dwarves and Draeneis on Alliance, Orcs, Trolls and Goblins on Horde, rest can choose side. Would be something.

Edit: I forgot about Night elves… Swich Dwarves for them, let the Dwarves choose. Or just make… Hm. Orcs and Trolls vs Humans and Night Elves, rest can choose :smiley:



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