Links in posts?

Yes it’s the internet after all everyone is anonymous but still that does not excuse some people from being trolls and projecting their angst on innocent people.
My suspensions were because I like playing a lawyer to people I respect and love on this forum and also I like offensive jokes :stuck_out_tongue:.


Because you set a good example there Puny :slight_smile:


Yes I know you are Puny I still adore you because I can’t say I love you although I do but some might perceive it the wrong way.

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On the trust level guide it says “must not have any current suspensions” the wording is fairly ambiguous to me, it implies that you can have bans on your account just not at this moment in time so old bans don’t affect your ability to gain TL3. I do wish they would give us a blue post to clarify it once and for all though, it’s been a year now and we are still working on guesses :rofl:


She does but most trolls call her a Blizzard shill for no reason at all and that does not do her justice at all.


I used to MVP on my Internet Service Providers forum, giving support and other things, but I stepped down from it after 6 years. It’s tough sometimes finding the right or safe way to say something without causing offense. Kind of like walking on eggshells and having to measure it out on a case by case basis.

XD there are times when I am posting here I almost type something I shouldn’t, but then I stop myself at the last moment. It’s so easy to just let something out sometimes. Esp. when seeing someone else is being wronged.


Well you can’t please everyone :joy::point_up:.

you sure pink mon? :smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk::smirk:

I mean I’ve tried but it’s hard mon :wink::wink::wink::wink::+1:. Anyway this is a lovely thread with all the good people I know here but i Got to go back to work accountants job never waits bank statements aren’t going to complete themselves :yum:.

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ya be lyin den

How I be lying I said I have tried but they still don’t trust me Mon for level 3 for some reason?.

the only mistake made was the decision to suspend me

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U just need to step away when things get heated and dont get involved :innocent: i usually share my view and then just move on. No point in going into arguments on the forum usually :slight_smile: u’ll get that lvl 3, i know u will :slight_smile:


I be trustin you my Serbian brotha :hugs:

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I promise from this day forward I will avoid bad threads and not get pulled into useless arguments with trolls I have nothing to worry about as long as I have you and Puny and Radium around my guardian angels :angel:


I’ll be a “forever level 2” poster, I have to many breaks to be able to spend 50% of 100 days on the forums :joy:

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Thank you my countryman :wink::heart: Hvala.

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I am from Cyprus mon… and its me Lunaera…:tipping_hand_woman::roll_eyes:


You copied the page url not the gif :wink: but it’s worth seeing!!


I wondered why it went wrong :sweat_smile: thanks puny :kissing_heart:

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