this server will be locked for weeks guys, don’t even bother.
Blizzard pulled our pants down last night with the 5h que time and THEN give the locked character information.
Imagine having a job and come home at 5pm and get shat on by Blizzard and letting all the people who doesn’t have a job get the prio. haha jesus christ.
Blizzard seems awefully quiet. I mean, I get that no one wants an unbalanced server, but there has got to be some other way to fix this other than to split friends apart.
Just open the god damn character creation, have a server limit and let people sit in a que. Thats it, fixed
FIFY. Do not thank.
·Sit in queue few hours but let people play with their friends/clan
·Dont let people play at all and force them to play on empty servers while they unsub and refund
Even a monkey would know what to pick
This is ridiculous my god!!! If i paid money i want to choose where play the game. This stupid company cant take this awfull decisions punishing the players who choose and pay for his game. Game that we cant play btw
Thanks Bli$$ard for your good decisions, keep in this way to destroy ppl hype and motivation for play WOW
Ye its like so disappointing, the only option is just go to another server without friends with the feeling its gonna be dead in a couple of weeks. Only lone wolf has a huge amount of ppl at the start loc as horde not even both with alliance xd
If you guys locked Living flame and lone wolf, let us transfer to Chaos Bolt lol.
Dear Blizzard just unlocked the server its the worst launch since tbc Mircosoft should sell u again if they are smart… I waited the whole night and when I go to sleep u open up… zero communication!
^ Just read my comment @Blizz. You are destroying strong communities/guilds/bonds…
Thanks blizz, can’t play with my friends and brother; thanks to you guys locking Living Flame. Just open it back, and let people sit in the queue.
I just unsubbed…no reason to pay for this horrible experience…que at launch was 2-3 hours so had to go to bed before I got in, when I got home from work the next day, the server was locked, all my friends, who either took the day off, doesn’t have jobs, study or can play from work, got in…might as well not play when they get a week headstart
many people couldnt create character at launch because there was 5k queues after 2mins, went to sleep, back from the work at 4pm, put the 5 hours queue then realize server is locked in less than 24 hours
Some people from my guild didn’t manage to get in. They already quit the season for good.
Good job with that. That’s the only thing you’re doing with this policy.
Never in my WoW History didnt had such a bad experience, me and my friends decide to go Living Flame, some of us was not in the train at the start lol, and you locked server, ok fk it lets move to chaos bolt, but the point is you cannot, they charge 25euros and i paid it, and you cannot transfer to any server wtf is this bs?
its even worse than the TBC release… and thats been in 2007? in all that years u got even worse just cancled my subscription only going till morning evening I would rather give some homeless drunk guys 13 euro than paying for ur hookers and drugs… lets be honest none of that money goes to ur server!
Again, I don’t understand why locking a realm is still a thing. It was bad in Vanilla, it was bad in TBC, it was bad in Wrath, it was bad in Wrath fresh and it is bad now.
If people want to wait in queue to play with their friends, JUST LET US. The realms will stabilize next week. Locking a realm is a temporary POINTLESS measure. I don’t give a damn about waiting 4 hours in queue if it means I can play with my friends right away.
I can guarantee there will be no queues next week and all the lockdown is doing is taking a risk (a very small risk but risk still) that Living Flame will actually be first to die if it is locked for a long time. This happened with Thekal, I was there.
Blizzard ?? Can you read your forum please ?? You have 260 reply to your thread here, and only complaints. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg ! Please don’t ignore us… I hope you are not making people wait on purpose too
Dear @Kaivax,
This morning it feels evident that a lot have chosen to move to Chaos Bolt to play with friends, as those who didn’t immediately log in on release Thursday night and sit in the queue couldn’t make a character until after work on Friday when this lock happened.
The queue on Living Flame is not so big for a Saturday, which further shows less and less people. Guilds are now considering migration away from Living Flame as half of their members never got in. This could make the situation worse on Chaos Bolt if they do start moving. It is seen that 1 day of gameplay isn’t a big loss for those who got in early. So many will move.
I think it is time that Living Flame is reopened for people to make characters. It is their personal choice to sit in a queue if they want to play with friends.
At least for the next few days, I would suggest leaving the servers open. It really sucks to be split from friends and guildmates due to “faction locks” and “server locks”.
Faction balance and load balance is important, but I would suggest controlling this more once we are past the “hype”.
People are now making characters on every server so they “can go there if they need to” as they have a character so won’t be locked out… this makes your metrics very hard to measure when taking decisions.
Either the last of our guild can make characters on Living Flame today/tomorrow and join us, or we all start fresh on Chaos Bolt. Living Flame could die if all guilds think alike, and Chaos Bolt become overpopulated.
Let things take a natural course over the next week, people will naturally balance to avoid queues. Faction balance is a little trickier, as it really sucks to stop friends playing together.
I hope this is somewhat useful, a lot of our friends and guildies are not enjoying the game and are “waiting to play” for this server situation to resolve. They have level 1s waiting on each server until we know we can be together.
So this situation is really dire, it is stopping people from playing.
You just want to play with your friends and you can’t anyway. And we pay this company. What’s the point of logging into another PvP server when everyone else is on Living Flame? This is not a solo game… And not everyone has the option to create a character at release.