The guys who moved to chaos bolt are the same who quit after 3 days of hype, those people doesnt mean anything for me, they are just tourist from retail, the long term players are on living flames
people who move to chaos bolt are just pussy u can treat them however u want spineless ppl the worst. They fu…ck them… and they say yes ok xD
Cancel SoD if it’s not for everyone. We are no longer in 2004.
stay on reatail dumb.
what a waste of time and money, UNSUBBED
Welp that was fast. My friend just woke up and decided he’s done with SoD since he doesn’t want to reroll with a 3rd char on a new serwer with my and my bro. Thx blizz
I agree with you guys, Blizzard has made a big mistake and the worst choice since Warcraft 3 Reforged first release. But then they let us get money back and now they dont, i wish i could get them back
just quit the game and sadly my whole guild just quitted too lol
put your alarm clock at 4am maybe we can create our characters xDDDDDD
Not rly what i said was it…
What i stated was. Long term the population will drop and having many servers will lead to many feeling empty
12 confirmed unsubs in my guild and still growing haha thats 1.8k a year loss already unsub bois!
You cant. Lol, if they let it unlocked its 100% single facrion servers before the end of the day. you cant go back and fix it once its happened.
Ah well, less queues
It was expected a % will leave when server instability shows its head, but when people just leaving, th issues fixes itself
so working people can’t play with friends, because they didn’t have time to create a character… good job idiots clap clap and if I create a character on another server before you unlock it again, then I will have to pay for the transfer to be able to play with friends… clap clap
yes supporting incometent leadership seems to be ur thing gl
They wouldn’t had been playing anyway if they react to some side project that extremely. What a petty excuse. If they are half as toxic as you are they wouldn’t be missed.
You mean unlike classic era, which they didnt lock and i had to sit in 5 hour queues after work and barely get to play?.
Where now i can safely log in no problems as blizzard actually prevented this reoccuring. I consider it genius.
It’s not toxic though ? It’s like the only way to make greedy companies understand nowadays.
To expect perfrction from day 1 and just endlessly pour into 2 servers endlessly to only screech about 4 hour queues afrer theyve let you make it.
Is just toxic.
You want everyone on the server to suffer for the sake of getting ur friend into a overpopulated server lol. Because thats whst it is.
You want us to have 5 hour queues, for the sake of being allowed to pour into a bursting at the seams server
gratz youre one of the lucky onces while the rest doesnt get to play we pay the same amount but dont have the same rights just saying its a problem u can call me toxic dont care just seeing beyond those that got lucky