Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

They lock and u cant even transfer I would had payed for the transfer but they splitted my guild a third of us didnt had the chance to create a character and those that have cant leave? they have would have to leave thier last 24 hours effort for nothing and some ppl dont want that I can understand! this is not the way to treat your paying customer leaving them without options!


put your phone alarm at 5am and maybe you can create a character

did you ever think of people having friends who we want to play with? im just curious and have to ask. Why is it everytime i play world of warcraft - playing with my own friends - is not allowed. can someone answer me that. its… outstanding

Here you are, one of the biggest game company out there. And you wont reply nor give us information on when we will be able to play with our friends. We’re paying customers that you just ignore…


Not going to buy a server transfer from Chaos Bolt to Living Flame for 25 bucks…
Blizzard be like: Cause a problem, sell the solution…


based on what?

lone wolf 1800 queue unlocked

living flames 3000 queue locked, is it that bad to lock the server? we had 12k queues in wotlk, nobody died for it…


Ah yes,perfect! Lock the realm on the weekend when ppl who couldn’t afford to wait 5+ hours que on lauch,can now finally login and not be able to create a character.Unexpected situation but it’s understandable they’re releasing a game for the first time,quite sure this hasn’t happend like hundred times already,right?

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My brother did that this morning and he even made alliance so yeah it works

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
You are absolut trash Activision/Microsoft/Blizzard :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


200 Billian Dollar company can’t handle server with more than 10k people, what a joke

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That’s what I’m saying. Just let us sit in the queue. People are fine with that. Why is it so hard to understand. Queues are a part of launches, jesus christ, Blizzard.

What is the problem???

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Because people arent fine with that? Dunno if u noticed, WoW era kinda proved players rly arent ok with sitting in a queue

But a whole load of people quit the game and got angry on forums about it. Just like your about this.

Don’t know if you noticed, but all era realms are dead, except Firemaw. The only thing era proved is that players have no idea how realm economy works.

Stop responding to me, you are one dumb mf.

i used all my reports on you, pls just stop replying on me clown.

Lol yah because its now old news and everyone who eas gonna do it has done it. And because blizzard introduced a ton of seevers

Im dumb?

No you see you pay a sub, to a company to maintain a server, while now havkng a go at blizzard for doing the job your paying them to do.

Lol touch grass kid

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Please just open the server. People would rather sit in que and eventually play with their friends than go on a random server and play alone.


Says the person siting here since 11 am, who almost can’t rub together 2 brain cells to form a coherent sentence, has 0 research, was proven wrong multiple times and actually doesn’t even play the game.

Good one mate.