Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

I dont understand. You lock the server for new players. You lock creating alliance chars. You can have only Horde or only Alliance char there. So theres no way how to bring balance. This means that there will be only more horde alts but not new horde players, so in the online count the server will be unbalanced.


Unless something has changed, you can’t make both Alliance and Horde on a PvP server?

Edit: nvm, I can’t read, you already said the same. Time to clean my lenses.

On pvp realms u cant roll the opposite faction on the same server

If i make a alliance on my server i lose the ability to role horde. So no. Horde alts arent rly possible.

Oh i fell for the same mistake as above need to read more :rofl: although i think this situation will be lesser.

Sit a hour wait to swap between servers everytime would be a les ideal concept

Exactly, so also if you decide that you want to bring balance and switch sides, you have to remove your alliance characters and… you are done, now you cant create horde char because now you dont have any char there. Does this makes sence to anyone? Am I wrong?

No because u cant reroll horde even if u delete ur alliance chars if its imbalanced.

Also delete ur chars on a locked server locks you out as someone above found out. Yoy cant delete ur chars it will remove you from the server

Ergo theres no way how to bring balance to locked server with locked fraction unless their main goal is to make players leave. Thats weird.

well no. the sole concept is players will pour into the avaliable faction, and for everyone that turns to another server to stick to their server will simply get what they want else where

it prolly wont 100% Fix but it will make things better

hi please unlock the realm for my friends :).

Again, how can you pour to available faction if the server is locked for new players and current alliance players cant switch sides?

Blizzard please end this Season of Destruction youre splitting guilds and friends just tell us when it will open again so we can at least prepare for that!


extremely true, give us a time frame.

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Yeah we need a time frame a lot of us are just not playing waiting to be able to join our friends


Yea indeed resubbed today and wasted a day basically

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418 reply´s and nothing from blizzard? well I dont want to be that guy but it looks like they dont care that they lose paying customer for annoucing the BIG server blizzard words not mine and than they go and close them after not even half a day?

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They closed them after a day and half, also they aleready reopened one EU server, so they might aswell reopen the other one soon. Im waiting for now, however if i dont manage to make a char till tommorow im refunding my sub and i am waiting for the hype to die down.

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Yea I am feeling the same tbh, didnt play since TBC classic and starting to remember why…

The year is almost 2024 and a multi billion dollar company literally queues hundreds of people just to play a game. What a failure.


Where is the access?

I mean I can understand putting a lock on factions but locking a whole server just after release, are the servers that weak?

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My guild choose a realm when the server names appeared. And most, basically all of them, got in. I didn’t because I require sleep. During the mornings there’s no way for me to get on and log in. After I came home from work there was a queue, and that queue was too long as I had to leave.

So no, I did not have the option to create a character. And no, I won’t play on another realm. I started on another realm, but without my guild and mates there’s no point for me.