Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

I think they thought the new server + lock would resolve the issue fast upon releasing chaos bolt is 90% spanish, and players stood at the doors unmoving blizzard relocked it.

I think blizzard will wait for the masses to kinda get bored waiting.

But i wish u all the luck in the world in terms of getting a resolution quickly.

Do you guys think they will merge/free transfer at any moment? Got a character in Living flame but my friend doesn’t so I moved to Chaos bolt…

i hate telling good people bad news

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We knoe transfers are coming.

However weather transfers to living flame is a thing is a gamble. Id recommend not chaos bolt though, ive been told its primarily spanish players there.

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Just roll alliance/horde on one and then roll the opposite on living flame, thus way u get a max level on both factions. And regardless of long term actions it wont matter.

The games locked to 25. Providing they dont unlock the level prior living flame unlocking you prolly wont fall behind.

If living flame is still locked when 25 caps lifted. The servers dead regardless.

I just want to play with my friends, please. :expressionless:

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i bet my ballzs that living flame will be unlocked between 3pm and 6pm this night and then get locked again in the morning

Huge tauren ballz look so value, how u send it?

22:30 no queues on saturday, server stil locked


it is actually insane

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Lets US plAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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its a joke no queue on still locked they wait till the whole server is dead

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When was the last time any action made by Blizzard made sense?


someone knows something when its unlucks?

It doesnt make any sense to me to keep LF still locked Blizzard do something!


Dont worry, our dear player, we will do…
We kill the server as we did before hahaahah


they already ruined my weekend so why not also the server!


Hahahahahahahahah they locked Lone wolf again with no queue all the day aahahahahahaha

AHAHAHAHA this is a joke, im camping the server selection and watching in sometimes and they locked lone wolf again

Now guys its fully no option to play this game hahahahahhah