Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

locked again today, i guess they are trying to find a solution

If it was the other way around theyd be calling blizzard incompetent due to the queues

I dont thjnk there entirely is one, chaos bolt dont sound like its lifting either

Yea, because we are stubborn and we wont settle for playing without our guildies/friends. But they are trying. But the lack of communication is pretty bad on their part


This solution to queues is extremely incompetent.

Its the only solution to queues lol.

Litterally, the only way u stop queues is stopping the server breaching Capacity lol

Nom serve me back the slop activation blizzard served you.

you mean being reasonable and accepting Capacity limits is Slop… eh… well ok

i do not think it is beyond resonable to be expect to play with my friends for a game i pay for? cope on lone wolf

That wasnt what i stated though was it, Server capacity was lol. Blizzard either annoy one side of the coin with insane queues, or the other side of the coin who are trying to move to servers as guilds

No solutions ever gonna make 100% happy.


Blizzards Goal: to Prevent server queues, is wildly successful. you can say you dont like it, you can say its has its cons, but to say its incompetent isnt realistically true, because it COMPLETELY removed queues.

Turning the servers off would be more effective, but not a good solution either.


Yeah no thats a fallacy in its own argument. If the game never existed, a Solution wouldnt be nessercary and therefore in such a situation the argument doesnt exist either…

right but you do get that not getting to play is the same as the server being off for people who dont have a char right?

half my guild are stuck on a other server. My real life brothers stuck outside the server, and no we just play. on our own servers. lol

i think they went pve instead of chaos bolt tho

Um, dude… This “silent” guy is a troll. I don’t even know if he slept for the past 30 hours. He’s been here trolling all day and everyone should ignore him :slight_smile:


ah thanks man


Ur the only troll here bud.

I aint a troll nor have i been here all day or been replying for 30 hours, u just cant handle a different opinon existing in your space

ok blizzard bootlicker


blizzard bootlicker? what because i prefer not having queues? lol.

u reliese id be raging hard if queues were here right? id quit because of queues. not because of this… im just the opposite opinon to you lol its mental people cant accept there may be a audience of players who SImply DONT Want queues.

I never played classic era because of queues, I never played HC til the tail end of it because of queues. I wont engage with a game that wastes my time with Inability to uphold Server capacities and before someone comes out with “oh but its 30 mins” no. its 30 mins now because they locked them

they were 4hurs + as the first posts here even state prior this movement.

I aint waiting 4hours to play a game. I aint got enough hours in the day to even remotely consider that to be a option. and Arguing for that is no different to you saying the polar opposite.

I forgot since quitting WoW how intolerable forum players are with this hypocritical BS and tolerance for only echo chambers.

rather a queue than not at all