Living Flame and Lone Wolf Realms Temporarily Locked to New Players

To people saying that the lock reduces queues are just not thinking it through properly. Blizzard wouldn’t need to have queues or a lock if they simply supported the game with sufficient hardware to meet the needs of the people paying them. This is a 20 year old game, it’s not that server intensive by today’s standards. To be in a situation where they are telling their player base they cannot play the game that they PAY for is unacceptable IMO. Would love to hear others thoughts on this.


queues at a cerain point equate to not at all.

My game time doesnt faciliate a 4 hour queue, queues were the riots during wow era with the same arguments as mine lol.


except they cant. they told us this when introducing cross server play. its the reason it was done in that way however we fought against this being considered u cant just have a limitless server capacity. it dont exist,

ffxiv had to be completely removed from new accounts entirely for similar reasons

I think you may be confusing “can’t” do it, with them saying that they wont do it.
There is currently more server power not being used at all within Retail than they have dedicated to the whole of the SOD many times over. There is no reason they cannot dedicate more space, or even just borrow the space that isn’t being used right now. Many websites and games do exactly that, they run multiple servers and divert resources as needed. Both entities have access to those resources so when one goes through a massive peak (ie. Release of the new game) it has the necessary resources.

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Pretty certain they use tbe same servers.

There are no queues on either of these realms lol, there was 1 4 hour queue and sudden locks hit.

Not even launch had a 4 hour queue it rly didnt. I think i was in a queue of 1800 on release day.

Prolly 4k people trying to join in a instant caused a queue where the servers were trying to track the load.

Both these servers could have allowed 1000-2000 people in, and u wouldnt of seen a queue over 1 hour at absolute maximum.

So its likely not the sole reason for the lock.

I had a 800 queue getting into lone wolf at 3pm. The tauren cant remember their name identified only 800 queue into living flame at like 6ish.

These are 15 minute waits, so either blizzard locked too soon, or players have left the server and they havent done anything to fill the hole.made.

Im guessing blizzard tried to stop the problem before it became a problem. The issue is now yoy have thousands of players sat on living flames doors and the servers gonna hit the floor the moment it unlocks :rofl::rofl:

When you lock a server, u announce the most populated server, doomsday kicks in every other servers regarded as dead and people look to reroll on it.

Same happened in hc. Tons migrated to stitches the moment numbers became obvious. So living flame now has a giant target on it as the “server of choice”.

So its likely now u have 3x more players looking to get in. Even if they briefly open the server its gonna get locked real fast

Blizzard you piece of shi…t youre not even worth playing for free ! you destroyed a guild server are still locked half of the guild has cancled thier sub and the other half is split on aonother server and no comment from you for days ! even worse than a piece of sh…it!

Then offer us a FREE Character transfer away from Chaos Bolt/Living Flame.
So that we can actually play with friends!

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Still no news? Sad… Really nice re-subbing to play with my friends this weekend only to be left out due to this.

Funny thing is there is too much allys on Living Flame and we are horde… So silly, bit sad as I have not played classic since TBC (prefer vanilla). Yea… GG

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Their tweets are so funny. They really think they did a job well done with this. I wonder if they keep patting themselves on the back today when they get blasted by all those people being locked out from their friends and guilds.

Tag me ITT in a week when there’s not a single queue and all the realms are unlocked because retail tourists moved on.

Completely pointless lockdown.


You wouldnt lock a seasonal server for 6 month’s, that’s like almost half it’s life expectancy

I can understand everyone, writing here to express how disapointed they are, not being able to play with friends. Blizzard just is to stupid to handle the situation.
But imagine being this “silent” guy, defending blizzard for the whole weekend instead of just playing the game. That guy cant understand how we feel, since he has no friends to play with i guess?


This is really sad, i can’t create a new character on realm where is lot of my friends, waiting like a dumb several hours to make it, and now it’s locked… i subscribed this game for “waiting” and wasting my time to play on another realm without friends and just for nothing. Damn i’m angry with this situation.


I didn’t even check the ingame store before this morning. “Transfer 1 character”, “3 characters” and “6 characters” are the only things on it. They really want people to pay and won’t unlock it huh


Says a lot doesn’t it? Create a crap situation and sell a potential solution… yea…

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Guys, no one cares whats written here probably. If u really want to push it, try it on social media. That would be a problem for them


The annoying thing is, the server is only seasonal so by locking it you’re cutting an already limited experience down further

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Yea you have a point, I am going to look for their twitter because this is just silly tbh.

Thing is, I think they know about our situation, they are just ignoring us. Maybe creating threads instead of responding in this one and commenting on twitter could work but…

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Yea I dont use twitter tbh, im not really sure where to look even. The whole thing is just frustrating tbh, I really do not like Blizzard as a company, they really are totally detached from their community, not just WoW either…

SO , i take an subscrib to can’t play with my friends ? nice one thank you

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