It’s not “set time” when they will be unlocked.
It is when they feel like it’s suitable to be unlocked again.
As in, when other servers have caught up in population.
Could be a day, a week, a month, never who knows
It’s not “set time” when they will be unlocked.
It is when they feel like it’s suitable to be unlocked again.
As in, when other servers have caught up in population.
Could be a day, a week, a month, never who knows
They tried this. Players wont do it lol.
They did this in retail during SL to try get people to move from draenor.
They did this during wow era again players refused.
Players will not take it on themselves to control server capacity. Nor should they.
currently it is open
Lol finally…
Living Flame is unlocked!! Thank you
Ahhh but alliance still locked hope they dont instantly close them before that changes
Living Flame is unlocked only for the Horde
Thank you for at least unlocking in general, appreciate it.
If they relock before any alliance get in god help them
Both these servers could easily have 2k more players on em, playerbase hemorraged fast on these servers the moment they were locked. 4k queues dropped to no queues hy the end of last night
If i was online id throw a horde at the server to try and speed it up for you. But sadly im out
…yeah but my guild is on Alliance… this is neverending pain.
RUUUUUUN IN everyone it is open
Even for Alliance living flame?
Yes, its open for Alliance as well.
Hurry up foks, given the history you have about 6-7min before they shut it down.
Congratz every1 we did it mading the little community to get fair play finally!
Take that back.
Above said allyss open now
Alliance is opened too
Yesh just saw it had changed above lol it wasnt orginaly
If its still open when i get back, may roll a char on there. This chars almost 25, so give me something to do during the lock period + security incase my server does die.
That and rogue doesnt feel great may give another class a roll
THANKS, but like FINALLY kekw
im Glad but still mediocre ways of handling situation
So all my friends are on this server, and beause i could not find the time to create an char i’m now not able to play with my friends? Great…
4 of my friends are playing on Living flame, and I am left out now alone, since I didn’t create character on day1. And there is no way I can join them now. And SoD was all about not being left out? I was supposed to be their paladin, since they are playing warrior, druid, hunter, priest