Living Flame is Full

Nice the server is full waiting in queue now.


Insane “new technoligy”


Learning from past mistakes is overrated… :expressionless:

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Boys its a 15min queue time at peak hours. A peak hour queue time for a mega server in 2019 was HOURS.


If it’s full now, we won’t even play on the 25th? What have you done?

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Hi, I started playing SoD a week ago. It is fun. Now this happened and all people from Wolf went to Flame, so I did too, but Flame is overpopulated with 20 min waiting queue. I don’t understand this, like I want to play the game for the money. I unfortunately don’t want to wait to play. What is the rationale behind this step? What should I do, move back to Wolf?

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Move back to Lone Wolf guys, reject the worst decision Blizzards made to date and re-ignite the server, Lone Wolf had no issues.

Moving to a mega server just means you wont be able to do anything in high pop zones, you wont be able to farm and PvP/Questing will be horrendous. Not even mentioning the queues…

Let me share one more thing, the world and lfg chats are overflowing. It makes it very hard to advertise myself or to actually find something in it :frowning:

Really fun when you’ve played on this server fine all the time and now the free char transfers come into your realm and you can’t login :')

That happened to me :S

mega server, names relased, charr in queue, all names taken.
mega kek

Names still haven’t been released, as far as we know.

cry more so the server dies and we go back to square 1

Lol they are either crying how realms are dead, population quit, they cant find a grp for hours or they cry about there being 15min queue and too many groups happening.
Do you guys wake up every day trying to find something to complain about?

Clowns everywhere , impressive and kinda hilarious to watch.


The problem has simple solution - let transfer from pvp to pve.

No. I don’t want login queue on wild growth! :sweat_smile:

yeah, not impressed blizzard :frowning:

I don’t think that a super large number of people will express a desire to switch from LF to WG, but this number will be enough to relieve LF and saturate WG.

monkaS hopefully fix soon

We dont want ques on megaserver when P5 is not even out yet and people are not playing until then either… Blizzard you are a joke