Living Flame is Full

Blizzard This is a Big fail from your side… Fix ASAP! before BWL releases or you gonna lose alot of players because no one wonna sit in Ques…

allready 5-10 min Que friday midday is really bad style even when BWL aint out yet!!

Dont matter if you have the Tech if you cant use it right… Que is really Bad for buisness!!! Fix it!!!

“Guys, we’re gonna make a mega server where everyone plays together, its gonna be wild and awesome”

ok but why am i in a queue then?
like jesus, make more space.
queue of any length is unacceptable after you made the decision to put everyone in the same server.

Why didn’t they just connect the realms?

Blizzard, you hit a new low today, seriously, even though people expect sh.t from you, you never fail to surprise.


Well this is why we pay a monthly fee. So they can treat us like a word that I’m apparantly not allowed to use!

Made my first sod character on launch on living flame. Server was full and had to que to get in. Made new character on Lone Wolf… only to have to migrate back to Living Flame and now sit in the que at the start of phase 5… way to f* this up.

24 minute queue on a Friday afternoon, doesn’t look good for this evening…

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Blizzurd at it’s finest.

And ofc no fix for it, no increased capacity throughout full weekend.

29min queue at 14.13 on a friday. can you imagine what the queue times will be around raid hours? Perfect time to catch a post-dinner nap I guess.

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27 min queue , p5 not even here , and its still work hours , RIP people who will join at evening

This is a total joke I can’t honestly believe it…

There were times when I would have been shocked. In the meantime, everyone knows what to expect from Blizz anyway. Most of the development is just about saving operating costs and maximizing profits anyway. As long as the payment processing in the account works, the day is saved.


Common Blizzard L. 15:28 on a Friday and log-in time is 35+ minutes. Boy, I can’t wait for peak hours and weekends, especially after phase 5 drops. I mean who doesn’t enjoy paying a monthly sub just to wait 30 minutes before you can play the game.

in few hours people will pray for having “only 35min” queue


i remember the 23h Q on firemaw :joy:
can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen the 26

Right now must be insane peak hours then because I’m in 35 min queue right now at 14:37 ST.

Logging in at night is gonna be impossible :smiley:

its not even peak hours, and already 40 min que

40 minute queue on a weekday. What are you going to do about this blizzard?
Raid nights will be mandatory to log in from a remote desktop from your phone again?

The day Blizzard do something about it will be the day pigs fly.

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I really thought they won’t do it if it doesn’t work 100%. LOL 42 min 14:52 and they are not all even here on the server and BWL is not even here. Blizz give us free game time for this big fail!