Living Flame is Full

So uprofessionel Making mega servers and its not even close to have room for all the tranfers… GJ blizzard - agine outstanding great service…

insane blizzard, idc queues, but the friends i play with have a life… they cant be in the pc 1 to x hours before in order to raid. what is our money for? cant u make things as they should be done?

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I mean i was happy at the time of the announcement to get more populated servers, but this is silly, i didn’t expect we’ve to deal with 45 minutes queues on Friday afternoon like 20 years ago. I strongly assumed Blizzard mitigated this issue with “new technology”, seems it backfired very badly.

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We can whine as much as we want here but Blizzard are never going to find out about the issue because they are not even reading EU forums.

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45 minutes of queue after losing my characters names because of a lie, with the hope of getting them back probably with another lie… I’ll spend them watching videos and participating in the Ashes of Creation forums… you know how hype is generated, alpha 2 is around the corner… :wink:

50 min at 15h00…
Lock or upgrade the serveur , i don’t want log today to play tomorrow.
What it will be at p5? We must log a week before to play…?

43 Minute Queue at 4PM 20.09.2024. It’s Friday.

Yup 50 min 3.25PM

It is > 50 minutes now ! They said they had the technology but they did not use it apparently !


lol was queued for 31 minutes (had 14min left) - disconnect - nice back at the end of the queue

Living flame 58 minutes queue on a Friday at 15:25

This needs to be fixed ASAP

Who thought they really thought that through? :rofl:

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Hey, I’m now to wow and blizzard and I started playing SoD like 2 weeks ago on Living Flame server and also Crusader Strike and everything was fine. But since yesterday I’m facing endless queues to be able to play… Anyone could enlighten me on what happened please?

Blizzard is just a small indy company. Dont be so harsh on them

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Nothing happened, as always.
“Hey team, the servers are dead again reaching the end of p4, what should we do?”
“Just merge them together and let’s see what will happen once everyone comes back to p5.”
“Got it.”

I feel like I’m missing out on content when playing on WG.

Que timers up and over 1 hour after Mega server merge. We all played on other servers to avoid que times. How can this not have been handled yet.
I think i can say for 90% of sod players that we expected to not encounter que timers on mega merge.

15 min queue? maybe in your dreams… 45min out of peak hour… ur the clown here complaining about complains. They said this wont happen with the new servers, people just want what they told us, its hillarious that ur not been able to understand that.

One hour queue outside of peak hours. Seems like I’m gonna miss my raid tomorrow as I wont be able to start queueing 4 hours in advance.