Living Flame is Full

(post deleted by author)

nothing worked, they lied about evryting and screwed evryone with their lies. ofc people cry, and have 100% right for it

Staring at the q waiting for Rick Astley to appear.

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1 hour 10 minutes queue in the middle of the day.

Just a reminder, Blizzard, WE PAY FOR THIS SHIZZ. Private servers have better customer support. You are billion dollar corporation and you have to take care of 2 EU and 2 US realms…

ok Karen , speak with manager

Just wanted to update folks, no, this realm is not actually full, it’s queuing prematurely and I can’t currently see why, working on it!


seems there are only 2 layers rn, if that helps xD

I am so glad it’s not full, thank you.

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1 hour queue+, good job blizz

Ok, fixed, now to figure out why it happened in the first place!


Can confirm ques are gone again. Thank you for sorting it out, faith in blizzard EU support restored. :slight_smile:

Hold on, what do you mean “prematurely”?
Because it better not mean “expect queues later tho”

Hilarious and interesting at the same time :melting_face:

15 minutes queue every night. Berny is horrified.