30 min queue again… please do something about this.
@GarnetHound Queue’s are back. Whats going on?
SoD is a bonus product, you pay for retail sub…
…spoke the monkey.
im paying for world of warcraft. SoD is part of WoW and I honestly dont care if they think its a Bonus or something else.
SoD is the only WoW im playing right now but it seems like im about to quit this whole WoW genre completely. They simply just dont care about their playerbase
Said the
Im not going to play this ever since Legion. No SoD or some kind of classic = instant unsubscribe for me.
I got 36 minutes of Queue on living flame. Come on man. Some days i don’t even have 36 minutes to play… I paid for it -.- fix it
Tww much better than bfa, shadowlands and dragonflight tho
queue is back. is it time to panic, or are we confident, that there wont be problems with the phase 5/bwl launch?
understandable for such an indie game company like blizzard is… WoW servers only exist for about 20 years.
I dont care. I am not interested in that version of bright korean mmo.
Dude who cares about all of that. Why are you posting even in a SoD thread? Go play the game you like and stop trying to convince others to go back to retail.
“This is now fixed, Living Flame-EU does not have a queue and will not have a queue again. Probably. Unless i bugger something up”
I guess something got bugged up. Please fix. 1 Hour queue at the moment.
Its 45 min …
Living Flame is Full
Position in queue: 3214
Estimated time: 61 min
Come on, don’t wanna wait an hour to get in -.-
Queue is now over an hour and increasing fast. Halp.
Over an hour queue time - great implementation of the megaservers! Looking forward to p5 queues
Well played