Lock portal trap ban

Ahh yeah good point. I’ll re-edit the post.

Definitely no accident, they knew where to put the portal on the wall, to get people stuck and die.

I was just thinking that might be the fastest solution to your problem, killing the Warlock. Faster than waiting on Blizzard to take action at either rate.

Killing a Warlock that’s with another Lock and Hunter just isn’t going to happen. xD

Kinda reminds me of the time back in WOTLK where a druid , a lock and one other could troll using the summoning wardrobe.

Basically you’d go to the Dalaran sewers to the tunnel that leads out to the sky. You stand at the very edge as close as possible, the lock creates the summoning portal, the druid switches to flight form to click on it causing the portal to appear in the sky. Do a search for random low level players and invite them to Dalaran so they can get the fp etc. If they accept they appear in the sky and fall to their death in crystal song forest, where upon collect their body they would be hunted down by the mobs as they were stupidly low.

LOL very funny and of course annoying, compensation and help was given to those unfortunate players who accepted.

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So nothing is being done to the person as they’re "not breaking any rules. " Because it’s world PvP…

So basically you’re allowed to glitch people into pillars so they get stuck and unable to do anything.

How is this even fair, it’s ridiculous.

Was this an official Blizzard response on the subject or are you just assuming it because Blizzard did not take action? Because the latter does not necessarily mean they condone it, might just be they are slow to enforce their rules.

I am quite curious about what their stance on this is. In MoP I used to do all sorts of silly things, like kite the Alliance PvP vendor behind a dungeon portal and any Alliance that tried to reach me (was in a raid) would get ported into the dungeon until they formed a raid too. Got plenty of whispers about how I will get banned for life and how it is abuse blablabla, but clearly Blizzard did not feel that way and nothing happened to me.

Anyway, turning off Warmode seems like a faster fix of this issue than waiting on Blizzard to take action?

Blizzards In Game Code of Conduct


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Not sure if it is the most up to date one, but looks like it.
I have italicised the relevant bits.

Are Blizzard quietly trying to fix the bug or not strictly enforcing their own code of conduct ? :woman_shrugging:

It was an official response to my ticket. they implied it’s ok to bug people into texture giving them no chance to fight back, you just got to turn pvp off.

“Please note, the main issue here is that PvP is happening while characters are flagged for PvP (War Mode). To prevent this, I would encourage you to play with War Mode toggled off. Or, if you want to remain in War Mode, perhaps you can get a group formed to quest together and participate in world PvP together.”

Their response.

Reminds me of the fun I used have dropping mage portals in lfg war fronts in BFA.

The amount of sheep that would just click a portal because it was there…

And with lfg ones, you couldn’t get back in once you were out…

Happy days

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C’mon, we all “hid” mage portals in to the summoning closet too… :smirk:

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Ah, thanks for the reply.

It is not a bug!
It is a feature! :smirk:

Warlocks have used those plenty in Ashran to teleport people into the pillars at Volraths gate or in Mines bg to teleport players behind crates.

Which is glitching and is not allowed to happen in the game.

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