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Well first… “Most common” is still a ridiculously small fraction of the population.

And if the devs are passionate about spending time to cater to a ridiculously small fraction of the population…

It sort of proves my point.

Especially because wow is not a necessity. Its a commodity.

Hm. That’s definitely weirder than pineapple, I mean pineapple is sour and it cuts through the cheeese. Coconut would make it sweet.


It’s their choice if they do or don’t and they already did an arachnophobia mode so of course people will ask for others, it’s only natural.

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There are more people doing those activities than with true diagnosed aracnophobia.

So my point remains.

And i think that is a mistake.

Its worse than catering content to the top 0.1% of swwtlords. Because there are more swetlords than people with a phobia.

Instead of doing a “politically correct” game they should do a fun game. For ALL.

Accessibility options are not politically correct, they are accessibility options.

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i also like father beans and a nice chianti with my pizza as well.


What on earth are father beans?
And have you met Soul? :dracthyr_crylaugh:


You forgot the raisins.

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I know. Like stairs or elevators. Those are accessibility options too.

But spending the whole budget building a house with 10 different types of stairs to be accessible for everyone is a bad idea.

Life is not fair. I have vertigo and wont do skydiving. I wont ask anyone to figure out a way for me to do it. I just dont.

And wow is the same. Its a luxury. A commodity. It dosent need to be accessible.

What the heck is politically correct about phobias?

That’s an even stronger reason for it to accommodate to more people, Is it not?

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You have vertigo and jump to skydiving? I jump to can’t play some games because they make me get it :dracthyr_crylaugh:

I’d love if they’d somehow make it so I don’t feel sick in them but it’s only WoW I care about and fortunately they fixed the skyriding enough for me to do it.

Yeah skydiving isn’t really a code you can fix…

That is a very sad attitude to have, I’m going to take it you mean it doesn’t need to be accessible to every little thing and there are perhaps addon creators who could do that instead (bar the fact I think it would be against the rules in this case)

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Its obvious to me that the arachnophobia mode war a PR campaign rather than a real attempt at accessibility.

It comes from there.

Wild take honestly.

See now THAT is a sign of mental illness. Forget everything that was said in this thread, lets talk about this instead.


I dont indentify with this.
Idk why you always attempt to put words in my mouth.
You’re allergic to what makes Warcraft, Warcraft.
I didnt say im against changes.
I said Im against limiting the art team in attempt to fulfil an impossible task:
Protect players from all of their phobias.
Which are endless.
If we cather around phobias we cannot have 90% of the game the way that we know it.


Also, wow is a luxury. You waste time and money doing something unproductive .

We cant put accessibility to healthcare in the same category as accessibility to wow.

You cannot tell me that you cant live with out wow. And thar your wellbeing depends on being able to play this game.

But dynamic flying is something that benefits so many people that its not worth changing the whole gamecode for a handful if people.

I find it unfair to be honest.

Brussel Sprouts.

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Horrible, yet preferred over coconut

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I might try cocinut actually, but the question should be

Dessicated or flakes?

I have some spare cash and can easily try out either topping.