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Has to be them.

Best part of christmas :drooling_face:

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Blizzard has shown the opposite of what you say.

How about you buy a whole one and try to open it with your face. It will land you a nice nap, cheap facelift and will spare you the horror of actually trying it.

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They didn’t change skyriding, they just added accessibility options to it. For me the circle and darkening, disabling the weird effects is enough. For people like Puny for example it isn’t, she sticks to static. I often do as well. The point is, it’s all an option.

And in a world where it’s only worth doing something if it’s productive, well that’s just the rich people who never work trying to get more money off you. It isn’t in the same spot as healthcare but you can’t magically put someone new eyes in and make them not colourblind, can you? You have to have ways of managing it and the world is god awful at doing that, the more people and companies that go out of their way to be inclusive the better.

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Ever had roasted sprouts and bacon?

omg I could sit and pig out on that all day…


Toot your horn too much sadly. Also I’d eat the beans on the pizza, I love my a veggie sizzler.

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Alaric is British, confirmed😂


Arachnophobia affects 3-6% of the population. 3% is maybe the amount of WoW players that get to kill the first Mythic raid boss, last boss is more around 0.5%.

And before anyone says it doesn’t take much resources to adjust from one difficulty to another on an already existing raid, well neither does swapping spider models with crabs. Like I said rumor says it started as a one man project.


Something that never happened to me oddly enough.

Lucky little carrot…


You guys are making hungry for some pizza

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If they did , we wouldnt have this conversation right now because there would be 12312 phobia filters. Flying- disabled, All underwater content deleted from the game. No Zaralek Cavern, no Ringing Deeps, No Nazjatar ,no dungeons.

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They’ve made steps in the right direction so far :fist:

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I’ll eat it.

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It looks good tbh

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They did it for immersive purposes. Not to cater to those that have vertigo.

And how would a world that is inclusive to everyone look like?

Do you think its practically possible to do such a thing?

The whole population dosent play wow.

Il add to this that spiders existed in wow since vanilla. And at peak sub numbers of 11M the nerubians in WotlK were not an issue.

What changed? Where did all these arachnofobes come from?

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Quest from vanilla

There is literally an achievement from wrath if the lich king called arachnophobia…