people tried this stunt with baldur’s gate 3 and I’m glad they ignored them.
That is exactly what I said Puny. In that post and in followup posts.
Irrational fear and sensation of “ickyness” is something everyone has. And its normal, and its not neceserelly something bad. Scary movies are scary because nobody is fearless. And that is good (we got scary movies for those that want to see them).
But confusing “ickyness” with a Phobia is a mistake. Phobia is a disease that needs treatment. “Ickyness” does not. And people abusing the word “phobia” for something totally “normal” that everyone has dilutes the seriousness of the actual disease.
Basically what I was saying is: And any individual that thinks that “ickyness” is a condition serious enough to warrant the same empathic reaction from me as someone who actually has a clinically diagnosed phobia is not going to get it.
And this is not lack of empathy. Its the other way arround. Its taking a serious disease seriously.
I clearly need more coffee
We seem to be on the same page.
Been there. Done that !
Happened to me a ton of times Puny. No swet.
I just happened to have drank my coffe 3h ago.
wtf are you yappin about lmao it’s literally a phobia, Like you clearly don’t know the meaning of Phobia…
I’ve found this stuff disgusting and almost impossible to look at 15 years ago and I still do today.
Here educate yourself
A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity. This fear can be so overwhelming that a person may go to great lengths to avoid the source of this fear. One response can be a panic attack. This is a sudden, intense fear that lasts for several minutes. It happens when there is no real danger.
Does my irrational fear and disgust by these objects and similar objects not satisfy the meaning? lol.
Just because I’m not rolling on the ground crying and drooling doesn’t mean it’s not real.
Damn you sound like one of those people that get angry when they see a female or a person of color lead in videogames.
Im sorry. Then everyone has mild phobias !
What kind of definition is that ? The definition of a mild case of a Phobia is literally identical to the general definition of “fear”.
So unless you have some crippling effect that impedes your every day life, “an irrational fear of an object, situation or activity” is something 100% of humans have. From the moment you are born to the moment you are put in the grave.
And you seem to have one of those mild cases. Like 100% of all humans !
Never said its not real.
What I said is that the concept of “fear” that ALL humans have (literally 100% of us) does not constitute a disease. You have it. I have it. Everyone on this forum has it…
And I went on to say that pretending like mild cases as severe cases, just because they are in the same category implies that it dilutes the severity of the real phobias from people that have real severe problems.
But those individuals dont feel some things “disgusting” and “ALMOST impossible to look at”… people with real severe Phobias literally have panic attacks that impede their life. And those cases DO deserve my attention and sympathy.
YOU whining about some feeling that everyone (literally) has… do not…
Why did i do that…
You were warned.
I only have myself to blame…
Heehee, gluten*
Whilst many don’t understand how serious it is, it has actually made gluten free food more readily available.
And yes, I wouldn’t say I have trypophobia compared to my arachnaphobia but I suppose we need a new word for it. “Creeps me out” works I guess. It’s the same as “I am so OCD about ___” when no, you’re absolutely not.
That’s not a phobia boss. That’s just good art that triggered a natural response in your subconscious which was letting you know that it’s in your best interest not to mess with those things.
I had a discussion with a friend that has Celiac Disease about that subject.
The point is that contaminants in food should have been a thing before the “gluten free” fashion came. Because its not just trace amounts of gluten in your food. It can also be trace amounts of other things none of us want’s to eat…
And the truth is that they continue to contaminate food with stuff we don’t know about. And we wont know until either the next fashion comes along, or, some food catastrophe like the mad cow disease.
I have coeliac disease too.
In Australia they aren’t allowed trace amounts of gluten at all and I believe even America is better in a lot of ways. Just the EU that don’t seem to care.
What really irks me is that they now lump us with vegan food and -that- has the most awful ingredients in it that gives a lot of people upset stomachs!
Still, either way we get bug bits and all sorts… yummy.
Not so sure.
All those chemicals to make food have a suspiciously long shelf life… Plus… corn syrup… in everything…
To be honest… its a pain to have Coeliac Disease in EU. Everything has bread and pasta… Every recipe, every dish… half the supermarket is bread stuff… And in some countries (Italy) its better to simply emigrate…
Im not sure proper laws can change millennia of food culture in EU. They have tried though. I see “gluten free” stuff in the supermarket quite a lot.
They really try but bread and dough in general is just our thing.
Me and my wife like to joke about this when we see a food compilation from another country and it boils down to is it a non EU country or is it a meat in dough country.
Let me make this very clear.
The only one yapping in this entire thread is you, OP.
About some made up nonsense that isnt even a major issue.
-It is a minor impairment, even calling it impairment feels overblown.
Im pretty sure some people are afraid of heights.
So we should ban flying now I suppose ?
-Dude even people with epilepsy dare to play computer games.
And you sit here complaining about a bunch of orb thingies in a single zone of OPTIONAL content.
Get a grip.
Be a rational person.
No, but it means you are totally capable to go through it and continue with your day with no harm what so ever.
You literally play a game inspired by HP Lovecraft and Warhammer. Both of which have massive lore and visuals around Old Gods, tentacles, slimy eggs, eyes and insectoids and so on. The same way WoW clearly does.
Cataclysm and BFA had underwater zones - Hydrophobia.
DF and TWW have tight spaces - Claustrophobia.
Any insectoid raid/race- Tryptophobia and Entomophobia.
BFA had snake people - Cynophobia
The game is Social- Social Anxiety/ Socialphobia (and yes thats its other name)
Honestly OP, drop the act,
theres only 1 thing you’re achiving and that thing is total humiliation and side-eying from everyone here.
Haha, you’re exactly the type of person I imagine you to be.
A victim of the world.
Now you try to play the racist/sexist/mysoginist card out of the blue, for no reason at all.
Your whole thing right now is an alter ego.
A play pretend if you will.
“-Ugh, im so fragile, guys, the whole forum, Blizzard and their art team departament should totally tip-toe around me because I like to be threated like a disabled person even though im not”
“-ugh, do you guys not get it , if you disagree with my made-up nonsense you’re a biggot, sexist, racist, homophobe?!”
So their phobia really upset you, that was a big rant.
Feel better now or would you like a snickers?
Puny i didnt expect this of you.
I think whats mostly upsetting is his entitled tone, to the point where he have to accuse you of being a racist/sexist/homophobe the moment yoy disagree with him when the conversation from both sides had nothing to do with either of these buzzwords.
Just straight up injecting agenda is mega triggering.
I guess i got a phobia towards people who act like victims when theyre presented with minor inconvinience. Yet act like theyre missing a leg.
Also i wonna say that accusing someone of being racist with no actual reason in some countries can bring you a huge fine and depending on the scale- jail time for defamation.
I hope this makes sense to you.
World of Warcrafts most content has some phibia content that spans from vanilla to current wow.
WOW is inspired by the old god mythos of HP Lovecraft and his main theme was irrational fear and the fear of the unknown, slimy eggs, tentacles,deep waters, insects and what not.
Another inspiration for WoW is DnD and Warhammer and they both got their fair share of phobia content.
Its like eating chocolate when youre allergic to it and because you cant control yourself demanding that the whole world should remove it from the stores.
This thread has really gone places. The OP has mostly been mocked or attacked for pointing out something that gave him the ick.
Op has only himself to blame.