Lock this thread mods

No, they proclaimed a phobia, against pixels.

And as to your question “when did people lose empathy?” It was probably round about the time people started bigging up any minor inconvenience as some diagnosable medical condition. “Get over yourself” can still be valid advice said with empathy.

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That’s actually not correct. Celiac Disease comes as a spectrum. Some are on the extreme end while others are more in the middle (like me :wink: ). It’s not directly lethal then, mostly annoying and with unpleasant and painful results.

One of the reasons more people experience more issues with gluten these days even if they don’t have Celiac is because of the way we’ve bred only certain types of wheat which grow faster. This has eliminated more complex types of wheats, the original versions basically, which are probably easier to digest for us. Some interesting research on it.

Physical issues thanks to gluten are real, and exploring this when you suffer from joint aches, bowel issues, stomach problems, immune system issues, fatigue and such are not whingy baby material or necessarily ‘going with the trend’. It can genuinely improve health and wellbeing. That’ll be it for my lecture :wink:

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Let me guess depression isn’t real.

No, it absolutely is.

And your attempt to put your little ick on the same level I see as both attention seeking and disingenuous.

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What is Trypophobia?

So it is a phobia, Trypophobia!

It’s pretty crazy how these guys went from saying I’m just imagining stuff and it’s not a phobia to saying it’s actually a phobia but I don’t have it because it’s a videogame.

I don’t really get it. Underwater content, esp when it is dark and with big monsters, triggers my fear. Heights can too. Some patterns definitely make me feel the ick, even if it is probably not as bad as in your case. When I play a game I am immersed, and I will register certain things just like I would in the real world. To me it’s not odd at all.


Yes phobias are real even when it’s pixels or on your TV screen. There is stuff I try not to look at too much. Though I didn’t get the reaction the OP did to my comment about the bears with eggs on.

It was equally disappointing when people were losing their marbles because Blizzard added arachnophobia mode to the game. Something that is completely optional. The OP wasn’t even asking for that.

You’ve only got to see people reacting to the link Ishayo put (which I am never going to click), to see how people can react the same way to images the same way as if it was there in person.

Irrational fears are just that, and most people have something that gives them that feeling. You can get the sensation of motion or height in a game that can trigger a fear or nausea. You can be put off by an image or recording.

I don’t really think people needed to be so harsh about the opening post but people are entitled to their views. However unsympathetic.


I’m honestly surprised these types of people still play WoW, I thought we were past the reactionary manchildren attitude.

I would lock this topic if I knew how as I only made it to alert others with a similar phobia who browse the forums to the object ingame and I’m sure at this point the thread has been up long enough.
since reporting it by myself didn’t seem to work maybe you know how I can lock the thread?

When you deliberately expose yourself to content you have a strong reaction towards- its your responsibility alone.
The same way if you got food allergy you dont expose yourself to it and you’re fine. Instead of demanding the whole world to ban the food you’re allergic to.

Yes, because if you didnt knew crabs are of the spider family.
Also the community got a crab mount instead of a spider one (the one from the rep grind in AK), exactly because they had to virtue signal their new feature. Though the mad merchant still does sell a spider mount, theres also a vicious spider mount in the PvP mount vendor too.
So the majority of the community after all got affected.

Exactly, if you get motion sickness- there should be a way to regulate this,
colorblind mode- if you cant see certain colour, absolutely
Epileptic warning and such - yes.
Irrational fear - buddy- boy. what are we doing?

First Ops behaviour of acting like hes missing a leg while having a condition that allegedly makes gives him the 'yuck" in a game inspired by HP Lovecraft , an author infomous of his works that center around irrational fears, fear of the unknown, disgusting slimy eggs, holes, deep waters, thigh spaces, tentacles, eyes and all sorts of phobias.
A irrational fear OP deliberately chooses to expose himself to.
A responsibility that is entirely his, having strong expectations that the game designers, player base, forumers should tip-toe around him like hes majorly impaired.
Second. Op uses political agendas to guilt trip forumers calling for sexism and racism when the thread has nothing to do with it.
Third. OP attempts to link minor phobias to strong, extreme mental conditions like depression.

Whats your definition of “manchild”, dude ?
Let me know, since you’re acting extremely childish in my eyes,
you’re willing to do a low blow to get your point across, using manipulation tactics like guilt tripping and acting like a victim and you refuse to acknowledge that you messed up when you brough politics into a thread that has nothing to do with political topics.

Is it a phobia or is it not

Where the hell did i demand this to be changed? i made the thread

and that’s it.

Idk, the title implies you dont even know the answer to this yourself.

Disgusting looking eggs in siren isle while in the storm, some kind of Trypophobia

It’s clear that you don’t understand phobias, or have any empathy for players that aren’t the same as you and your very rigid views. You are so misinformed that nothing anyone does or says will change that view.

It seems your initial ranting did not do the trick and now you need to do it at me. Maybe two snickers?

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Giving him the ick isn’t a phobia. Something making you unconfortable isn’t a phobia. How many of you have experienced actual phobias? I mean have an episode that has you so messed up you stop acting rationally? I’m guessing not many.

I once saw a spider prank on a guy who suffered from Arachnophobia. They threw a spider made out of some sicky rubber on a guy’s face. Guy went stiff. Like a log. If you wach contact sports like boxing or mma, when a guy gets clocked over the chin and falls stiff to the floor, something like that. That’s a phobia.

I have thalasophobia. I didn’t know I had it since it didn’t manifest in a remarkable manner, I just knew I didn’t like large boides of water I couldn’t see through to the bottom. I thought it was a natural response and probably is especially considering I practiced swimming for most of my teenage life. When I got drafted, I got assigned to the naval forces for diver training. And during my first night training mission it triggered and I almost drown and worse, could have taken two other guys with me. That’s a phobia. Losing all your rationality in a second, surrendering to panic and desperation.

So yeah, form what this guy says, not a phobia.

I think a discussion should still be possible whether, and if so, how much a company like Blizzard should/could cater to people with a rather common phobia, instead of ridiculing someone right out of the gates.

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I mean yeah, And you people got triggered by me using the words phobia and trigger

Clearly you people have phobias of people using the words phobia and trigger.

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Are you a psychologist? It’s literally called Trypophobia.

I got phobias of dark places and thigh spaces along with fear of deep waters.
Im pretty sure it does make me uncofortable but that what i signed for.
Op thinks phobia means experiencing an intended emotion by the original design.
This is supposed to trigger an emotional response.
The “ick” if you will.

As i said many times- empathy dries thin when someone uses manipulative language, falsely- accusess you of racism and sexism and pretends they’re majorly impaired when they’re not even minorly impaired. Just because you’re disgusted by seeing a intended disgusting object in the game doesnt mean you got “phobia” towards it when its a clearly intended design.

Whats your eduction. Does it have anything to do with psychology at least ?
Since my partner is masters in psychology and i consulted with them about it, and they also called bluff.
I also have a background in psychlogy btw. Though only during my bachelors.

Buddy- boy. I dont really target you, im sorry if it seems that way- i simply reply to what you said to me ?

So what is Trypophobia? Stop dodging mate.

Why dont you adress how im being racist or sexist first ?