Any damn mods on this forum can close this topic? This thread got derailed by mental illness deniers from the year 1820 and arm chair psychologists It’s better to shut it down.
These are not my personal definitions, these are actual definitions. Depending on the type of phobia you can diagnose it based on a few criteria. For example, you can probably diagnose a person with agoraphobia easier because they tend to go out of their way to avoid crowds, that’s easy. But for something like this, in order to confirm the phobia, the only viable way is exposure to what generates this fear.
I actually never claimed this guy does not suffer from it, my point was related to what you said, that it gives him the ick therefore it’s a phobia. The ick is not a viable way to determine a phobia.
I’m pretty sure that he has trypophobia because the way he describes it, that’s a panic response to a picture which is a very strong sign the phobia exists. But a panic reaction and an ick are two different things. So please, talk less, listen more.
I have been officially diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Plaase reread what I wrote and don’t perpetuate the myth that it’s only Celiac Disease when it’s outright deadly, it’s a pain in the bum. The fact it is a spectrum can be very helpful, because you can ask someone with a gluten allergy/intolerance how strong their response is. May save you time bleeching your pans and oven if someone can handle minor cross contamination and you invite them for dinner
Your stance ridicules those with a less debilitating version while they still suffer consequences when they eat gluten. It’s far worse than what you assume, I’ve ended up in the hospital for it twice not because I was dying but simply because I was in crazy pain and it turned out my bowels were inflamed and severely damaged.
I have fear of spiders and would never touch one
Indeed there are huge variations, for some lactose intolerance is an inconvenience that will make them scared to pass wind. For others it’s deadly.
Im asthmatic and there are huge variations with that too amongst sufferers. Phobias are the same, some might just feel uncomfortable, anxious, sweaty, creeped out etc. The other end of that spectrum is far more severe and debilitating.
However they will never accept this.
hahaha, here we go- the same tactic all over again.
Nobody here denies mental illness.
We simply dont trust you since you use dishonesty in avery second sentence.
It just boggles my mind. Most conditions are on a spectrum, hardly anything is either 100% ok or 100% terrible lol. As in always, for everyone. For some it’s definitely 100%.
Yeah mate I’m imagining stuff and I should grow out of it we get it you said that a billion times.
That is not a spectrum. That means you got an allergic reaction to gluten. Its pretty precise !
But you have to understand me… I have had guests at home that made my life a living hell because they claimed to be “intolerant to gluten”. Which is not the same as Celiac Disease.
And i dont know you. But you talk like those idiots that want to make minor inconveniences the center of their life and bother everyone around them.
So you have to understand my confusion.
So dont say “its a spectrum” and there are “mild cases”. Because there isent.
As you said, you ended up in the hospital. And for me its irrelevant why. It dosent matter if you are in the brink of death or with crippling pain. Its the same hospital.
But its absolutely not acceptable to ask me to treat you in a special way and to treat equally specialy other people that “feel bloated” after eating bread claiming to have a mild case of Celiac Disease or “intolerance to gluten”.
And its the same with phobias. Too much BS around society dilutes the real cases.
Its like the story of the kid and the wolf. People in general become insensitive to other peoples problems because of it.
No, I actually try to make life very easy for others around me. I can fast very well lol, if people forget (because I don’t remind them as I hate being a bother) I’ll just eat some salad or skip the food. I’ve gotten very sneaky about that too to avoid making people feel guilty about forgetting.
The reason I corrected you is because it is important tho for people with varying responses to gluten. I don’t fully understand why you’d be so adverse to simply correct information, as it might help you figure out more easily what is the best approach with people in your life who do ‘bother’ you with their gluten intolerance/allergy
(And I’ll stop now about this, back to phobias! My apologies lol.)
I’m telling you these arm chair psychologists/biologists are something…
OP reminds me of the joke “How do you know when someone is a vegan?”
(They remind you every 5 minutes)
Yet here you’re.
I think if you structured your arguments properly and didnt act petty and use awkward implimentations of passive-agressive behaviour , with a weird mix of childish manipulation tactics, weaponized victimhood, guilt trippin and so on, this couldve been more proper.
You say this yet this was your first response to my thread
I don’t see anything in the OP that warrants such hostility
Does your heart rate increases when you see those items?
Do you start to shake uncontrollably?
Does your breathing becomes deeper and arrhythmic?
If no, then it’s not really a phobia but rather something you simply find disgusting.
I didnt express hostility until you came up with some made up nonsese on how you got a Phobia, which you describe as “ick”.
It doesnt sound believable.
And then you continued to compair it to major issues/conditions like Depression.
And when that didnt work you called me racist and a sexist.
People like you deserve jail time.
You are untrustworthy individual who will resort to false accusations over a disagreement.
again quoting my other post
You don’t dont seem to understand my position.
Its not abou defining what the disease is. Its the fact that i have encountered way too many people that instead of eating a salad like you try to make the rest of the planet feel guilty.
And the worst is that if they dont actually have a disease they make up a “condition” to justify that attitude. And everyone has a “condition”. Everyone is afraid of something, everyone has some food that makes them feel bad.
So basically this: you know the stereotype of vegans bothering everyone around them? Well in my experience its real. With “intolerants to gluten” that eat a whole pasta dish with our issues. Or aracnophobes that make a huge deal about going to the movies but dont have issues filling their house with halloween decorations of spiders.
And that type of people, unfortunately are much more common than the people with the actual disease.
So you have to understand my position here. All of the people involved in this post have seen something “icky” and kept playing the game.
That is equivalent to you eating a plate of pasta followed by half a bread. Feeling a bit “bloated” after the meal, and keep eating a pizza. All while you complain about how Celiac Disease affects your life…
You see where im going with this?
And why im very, veeeery doubtful of these “phobia” claims?
I’ve been on the internet long enough to recognize posting patterns and you sure fit one.