Want to come back to classic with my GF and we can’t join our friends servers cause you Locked them… Apart from that I can’t also post on WoW forums, after I log in the reply button disappears… Apart from that can you let me know if you are going to unlock the servers??? 8 people wont migrate just for the two of us, so I want to know if we shall w8 or if we should search for something else… Plz let me know asap… P.S if you want to fix the economy just remove layering and check raid logs /logs in general per account and put some restrictions based on them. in order to stop bots farmers etc to migrate to servers for real money farming… Dunno why you would cost yourselves so many subscriptions and players leaving since they can’t play with friends, especially now with the corona that you could have milked the cow… Currently you have at least lost 2 subs per month and I’m guessing the same will go for many others…
If you have gametime or recently added gametime, relogging often fixes forum posting privileges.
As for locked realms, announcements will be stickied at the Classic realm forums: https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/c/wow-classic/wow-classic-discussion/265 such as Layers and Character Creation Adjustments on Select Realms
CS doesn’t handle nor forward suggestions about the game, you can do so here:
Magical Suggestion Box