Login Error BLZ51914400

forgive me I don’t know and cannot see appropriate cathegory for this post and also Google have a “zero” results regarding problem. I cannot go into game from 2 days.
Error appear as below:
“You have been disconnected. (BLZ51914400)”

Nothing help, I tried through support by opening a ticket, but what I can say about support and GMs usually responding - they do not read messages and details, use notepad and standard “blurb” statements, treat us like brainless. I know the rules and procedures in support because I work in one of the largest company and this is what we do. Blizzard support fails practically at all times (99%).

The same goes for Blizzard’s entire ticket system where there is a limit on the number of posts and then they block you. Scandalous after all we pay to play and play every month!

I couldn’t find this bug anywhere on the web, even google doesn’t give a minimal answer. Support left with restarting the modem, resetting settings and disabling addons - I guess this is also advised when your rotation or dps drops and you don’t know what to do. No comment. I’m an IT guy so I’m sorry - what are they doing, especially since I put the hints and information about me in the ticket. Completely ignored or not read.

Please help because my friends are waiting and I’m stuck. I tried the following:

  • disabling addons
  • changing provider - yes I checked on two completely different links and the same thing happens so, sockets blockade or similar not here
  • all other games and products work super perfect as always - Starcraft, Warcraft Classic, 20 games on Steam, Plarium games, Wargaming games, etc.
  • startup application works okay, advertises and all the stuff normal
  • I changed password in Blizzard account also
  • connection static guaranted 200/200 mbit or 400/400 (two different providers)
  • Macbook Pro M1 where I never encountered the smallest problems until this error and one Blizzard product after 18+ years non-stop playing.

Maybe soon google will scan this forum and error BLZ51914400 will finally be noticed, in fact it’s a unique combination like Amazon product number. Help!

Thank you in advance,
Best regards to all


Well from the rumors’ around the net it seems the CS team has been axed. Will be interesting to see if you get any response.

Have you tried the general troubleshooting steps ?

Delete the Cache Folder
Rename the WTF folder to WTF.old
Run a scan and repair

If that does not work try and uninstall and reinstall the game.

Try to teleport your character to safe location:


Happened to me couple of times, when somehow I fall under textures while dragonriding. Immediate disconnect and then “You have been disconnected.” at login attempts.

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→ Fivegeese
this way I know it happen long time ago. The problem now is not about character stuck, I cannot enter the game. Error appear after providing passoword in few seconds all the time. Unknown error, there is nothing in net about it it.

→ Ruffntuff
Hi, thanks of course 1st 3 points done without any results.
Okay maybe last chance to remove it and again 100GB or more.
Blizzard is really game over company and seriously this is not just a rumours.

Update after time, reinstallation took 1 hour.
…and it not help, already reainstalled everything
effect the same - error BLZ51914400
going to remove my subscription, if they not fix it or ticket stay as always - with idiots solutions, sorry after more than 18 years Blizzard will be removed from my list. Good all of this happen before new expansion.
With this condition and situation sorry Microsoft should propose 50 USD not billions to buy this already under tolerance and incomes mini company.

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Did you actually try moving your character as suggested?

What do you mean move characters Punyelf?
I cannot login to game so, how can I move? :o:

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If you’re literally the only one in the world getting a specific error then it’s almost certainly environmental, so checking stuff like router and PC settings are valid troubleshooting steps.

My best guess would be either router/cable modem/provider/firewall. Obviously that’s assuming you’re not doing something shady.

Try using the self service option to move a stuck character by login into the bnet in your browser then navigate to support and select character is stuck.

If this does not help then I am not sure what will.

^^ This.

Fivegeese suggested in the second response although gave a US link.

It should move your character somewhere it’s not stuck in a DC loop.

It’s worth trying.

I saw that now only.

As per their original post I got the impression they can’t login at all as they do not get past the login screen. Gets disconnected with the error. It does not seem to be a known error so I am guessing the client not authenticating with the servers at all.

May be a firewall issue but I don’t have enough expertise to guide them through that.

the error accour when some of the game files are corrupted which cause you not being able to login :sunglasses:
hope this help :sunglasses:

Hello. I got this error before. This error happens because of your internet connection, it is not related to anything else. Either change your internet connection or first login with another internet and then change your internet connection to old one. Both methods work. Also, try to use physical cable like Ethernet cable or USB instead of Wi-Fi.

no the error come from some of the game files being corrupted.
and if you had read what he wrote the launcher works perfectly fine and get connection.

Funny cannot replay to you guys separately - error in forum, probably once I can only

Yup if it is a firewall problem why classic and other blizz products which still I have works fine? Many many games and other things. Fortunately I don’t use and don’t have any firewall on the way. Checked with provider, there is nothing. Error not exists and support in ticket still make a bot discuss. For now I need to send them PingPlotter - funny is result from this scanner cannot be send to blizzard. Size limitation. So I try via google. Good very good professional support really.

Game fully reinstalled, before option with repair used too. No effect.

Where can I read it sorry, there is nothing? Only simple alert box in game after password and [Log In] button.

Thank you Arzhan but if you back to my description you can read what kind and two connections I already use and checked :slight_smile: Reinstallation in this connections as everything in net fast so I don’t think so. Thank you for suggestion from Blizz Support blurb.

Thank you to all of you for all the responses and help, sometimes not reading description (smile now). Going to do last one more thing - I remove everything what is related to blizzard, everything and clean up, Then I will install again WoW.

Wonderful amateurish Blizz Support request from me file generated by PingPlotter - unfortunately this file is very big and it is impossible to send it in ticket as they want - super professional, I appreciate it wuahahhaha, maybe I should burn a CD or DVD and send it via DHL? or maybe google drive, maybe envelope or maybe I send my special mount to blizz HQ and they read it if ever they know how to read. How support can request something which they cannot receive by his own system? Made in Blizzard!

This is the last chance - if not works with cleanup after blizzard and instal wow again, I say goodbye :slight_smile:

Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.

Huh, haven’t had firewall issues since xp.

Exception being WC3 online-games which for some reason was a mess to host for.

Info to every one
Full removing all the Blizzard crap, all the games, everything and installation from the beginning helps!!! Very interested error unknown by own developer - Blizzard. Joke or not, collapsing company or not, or just idiots in support :slight_smile:
Thank you very much every one but seriously this problem still is unknown.
Thank you everyone

PS. How wires, graphic card drivers, wifi, network type all of this guys seriously this is definitely blizzard software problem and bug! with error code unknown by own creators!!! Good luck blizz. See you in the game

are you getting this on the macbook now?
i have seen a few threads in the forum over the past 2 weeks where other also have similar issues like you do but i dont know if they have fixed it though.
i am sorry that i cant be of more assistance right now but i hope it get resolved fast so you can play the game again.

I believe the first reply to a ticket is now automatic (and says so in its text) giving you the normal response to fix the problem because very few people bother to read fixes for things in the support section. It helps make the queue shorter for those who really do have a problem. All you have to do is reopen the ticket.

That is totally unnecessary and incredibly xenophobic if the GM is from one of the other 49 countries who use the cyrillic alphabet.


Extremely rude and uncalled for choice of words

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