Lol duos in blitz

Guess which one has the 3.6k rogue to duo with and which one queues solo

https :// 9zf8m8GV


aint guessing anything based on this useless post other than maybe ur IQ is lower than ur shoe size, cheers mate :yawning_face:


Whoever decided or even suggested people can ‘Duo queue’ in a SOLO battleground mode need to go back to school and actually learn what the term SOLO means.

It literally says SOLO battleground on the pvp menu.

SOLO - meaning: A composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompanimen

Its almost like they are working in cahoots with boosting websites to make their lives easier boosting people


Then this is what they should fix - the terminology.
Call it Blitz instead of solo when you queue for it and leave it as it is to kill this stupid argument.
It is very much doable to reach a high rating playing solo.


Duo should be removed.
R E M O V E D spelled it for blizzard so they can read is slowly.


as a HOLY PRIEST, I am lucky to be where I am now, playing strictly solo, which is 2510

3k+ without a duo partner is impossible, have you seen the gap between rank 2 and rank 1 now???

my spec can do literally 0 things to decide a game by myself

if you 1.5k guys want to hold hands with your boyfriend, go and queue RBGS or random BGs, dunno?

Just by checking my armory you could have found out I am higher on the blitz ladder than you.
Don’t even start mentioning you have more arena xp.
Different game mode, irrelevant.

I will not queue the booster infested, inaccessible dead game mode and I was told that stomping noobs in timewalking gear with the help of others is something only bad players do, so I queue for the BG mode that allows for duos by design and gives you appropriate opponents instead, thank you.

If you want your R1 blitz title that badly, maybe…idk…ask a good player for help?

Why do you want to take other people’s ability to enjoy blitz together away instead of doing what would get you ahead?

Either that or keep stucking around on 2.5 after 600 games for all I care.


yeah but bro, lets be honest, playing solo, or playing duo, is a massive difference… specially in the top of the ladder u can tell what is going on…

im with team solo, and if we have to keep it duo, let anyone duo with anyone then.


interesting “coinsidence” i also was playing only solo and managed to get to 2650 but not higher, same as that second holy priest. Does it mean that 2650 is a peak for anyone who plays solo xD

No, you can still push, but you have to have an open-minded outlook, and avoid getting distracted about irrelevant situation in the Battlegrounds, and simply communicate and have awareness about your friendlies and foes. And above all, timing and positioning is crucial.

Yes, it is an advantage to have someone reliable around you can talk to to cover the objectives more effectively.

If you are going for a R1 push and want to become the best of the best of your class, you better use every tool at your disposal to achieve this. If all the other R1 players are doing this, you better don’t miss out on it or you shoot yourself in the foot.

The only thing holding back the OP is his own stubbornness.
He is a R1 gladiator and should have no problems finding high-class players to assist him in his push just like he did when he pushed for his R1 glad title.

R1 titles are also irrelevant for the vast majority of players. 1 out of 1000 players gets the R1 title, at most 1% of players are close enough that they may even consider pushing for a R1 title, but there are MANY MANY players who like to duo with their friends, so their interests should matter more.

This is why he should be the one adapting instead of expecting the game to adapt to him because he refuses to look for a duo partner. Either that or he can spin his wheels in the mud for another few hundred games.

This is a much more reasonable idea than to prevent players from enjoying a team based game mode with your friends.
A game mode where you take objectives as a team will naturally attract players to become friends and fight together. That’s literally the best part of bgs, to achieve victories by fighting together. And some players want to ruin it because they can’t find a single person to team up with…

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i still think meta and duo coordination will overcome any sort of individual level you reach in this game

im more of a fan of individual play, and adapting to waht you find in the match, rather than, picking the 2 most op and voice chat carry

this game for decade has been more oriented towards coorination, teams and meta, and only in recent ryears people have started to realize how boring it is, to have everyone playing the same rbg meta comp, no matter your experience, knowledge or connections, u are often cut out from even playing the game in rated content

rbg soloq, and soloshuffle finally broke this barrier, and ofc, they came with other problems, such as tier level of each spec, and how uncoordinated specs beheave, or how massive some counters can become (typical example is 1 melee 3 casters, or 1 caster 3 melee)

but one thing im always gonna stay faithfully happy about is the fairness given to everyone to be able to queue up and play

this fairness seems to go away the moment you are facing not 1 but 2 players of your caliber or above, and they are also coordianted

ive seen this behaviour and pattern happen often when i went for ninjacaps, note i played rbg solo alot in dragonflight, and i haven’t even touched it in the war within for personal reasions

One time, i went for a LM play, and i was facing a duo, that ive encountered, many, many times, i managed to land a fake cast ona kick, proc precog, and then, mass polymorph, the goal here was either take the flag, or as many def CDS/trinket, i didn’t use DB (45 sec cooldown) so if i was lucky, 1 DR reset and i couldve DB ring + icewall and stole even vs 1 trinket

interestingly tho, when you face 2 premades, they often decide, who trinket what he will do, what if things go wrong, covering almost all variables and making it way WAY more of a struggle to take a base, in fact it say that its not even worth it to take it anymore, because if i need MINUTES to take lm while my team might be losing elsewhere, it defeat the purpose of my job

bottom line and TLDR

losing by default is always bad, facing a coordinated duo will always feel unfair, and no just because i “can also duo” its fair either, because that statement could be used on any situation such as “well, if this class is op just play it” “well if that synergy is op just play it” and thats how we go the RBG situation of 1-3-7 everyone on same classes and specs and then the highest mage is 1850 and then there is the hoth mage playing with the rbg boost team at 2.5 and there is a gap of 700 rating or so.

rbg soloq, was the first step in defeating this rigged premade q system, and ofc i always knew they were gonna F it up, blizz has history on this

oh, and don’t even get me started on double blizz sync q or boost sellers twintrading, duoq makes this way easier too.


I agree that blitz could be better, but duos shouldn’t block your progression eitherway, Blizz had that cooperation philosophy ever since 2004, remember the days where a Warrior had to rely his personal pocket healers just so he could hit (rank 14) High Warlord and be an absolute killing machine 24/7, however game mechanics changed through the expansion, but the same philosophy still remained eitherway.

duo doesn’t block my progress, but its a cheap way of just gaining a way better chance at the game, i don’t like boosted, carried, rmt, wintrading and so on

duo is just a very exploitable system


Ah right, next time I queue into Avi and Mira on Arathi Basin and I have a Disc Priest and a Holy Priest with no Rogue of my own, I’ll remember that it shouldn’t block any progression :+1:

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this has to be the saltiest response out there ever while being awful gamer, do you ever look at what you write and cringe afterwards? :sweat_smile:

Your point is? You can still defeat them, and you should know by now that in this kind of games, you win some you lose some.

Classic character. Opinions rejected. Find the bravery to post on a retail character before you pipe up. Everybody knows that every single person that types on a Classic character is embarrassed of the fact they have achieved nothing in 10+ years of playing.

I know I can and I have. The point is that people playing duos at high MMR are duoing as the best duo in the game: Rogue/MW. If your team is not doing the same, then that is ‘blocking progress’, which you said ‘shouldn’t happen’.

I understand what you’re saying but either way it should still be achievable, also, we are talking about a notable rogue player that has a lot of experience of RBGs under his/her belt, we’re talking about what, 14 HoTas? - No idea about the MW person but I’d imagine it goes along the lines of RBG overall exp. Also, I agree that is a very hard comp to face against, but should not be a instant defeat, nor should be a reason to discourage the team, it’s just one of those games that the team as a whole have to agree, and think outside the box.

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W in the chat for the homies and content, ure still cringe and a nobody :wave: