Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

but if problem is just nick names why we still have ru primade vs eu primade ppl still cant whrite our names but we play vs ,
it looks like the developer is trying to set up the players against each other, and this is already inciting ethnic hatred

because the Chinese do not play in the same group against the Americans, they play separately on their servers, so why the Russians are pitted with the Europeans, I would be against it, but I would understand the isolation, everyone plays with themselves, but here it’s completely different

and if, as you say, the problem in spelling the name is ridiculous in itself, no one in pvp has ever used / target on bg just for arena ok but not on randome bg, it just sounds like some kind of excuse, although it is clear to everyone that the reason is not in that

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Indeed. I bet it’s very easy to implement for a multi billion USD company. It should either be no xrealm at all or return Russians to EU.

You can’t sit on both chairs, Blizzard!


all horde have same issues … this is cause of cross realm battleground ballox.

in 12 hrs we can only play 15 games while alliance can get almost instant queue …


What does that pop up say?

End all crossrealm BGS!


this queues make us cry (from time to time)
Dear Blizzard ! pls do something

Blizzard give back my alterac valley!

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Do you guys know any other paid game that is this bugged and broken?

Good afternoon, Dear BLIZZARD team, I ask you to pay attention to the long lines when registering on the battlefield alterac valley !!! Please take action! We have been waiting for the battlefield to open for so long, and there are such troubles !!! The cry of the soul AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!

fix it at last!

Blizzard release the correct version of AV, not the nerfed version, no one asked for 1.12.
Will we ever see a blue post someday?

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looks like totaly ignore )
i think we should just stop pay for it -money + attention

Just roll Alliance and stop complaining min/maxing elitist boys.


fix it at last!

You should have adapted to latin alphabet and you would be playing with everyone else with 15 mins queue.

This problem is a biggest pain in my azz…
I’ve tried to catch up a lack of RP on Tuesday (hadn’t enough free time for bg this week) and got 30/40 min queue time every bg… rly? What’s going on?
What would u advise me? To start hunting in searing gorge? Again?
Nooo way, thanks… In this case i’m gonna return to Path of Exile.

And a few more complaints…
Response time and feedback on any issues on RU-section of blizz-forums are terrible.
Why u force us to re-post issues here after long-ignoring on ru-section?
Yes, i know that “Blizz-quality” phrase doesn’t make any sense anymore, but i believe u can do better!
Pls give us bg! Give us a reason to pay for a game!

fix please
favorite game

What makes you think you’ll get any response here?