Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

Probably referring to:

The cyrillic letters doesn’t resemble the roman alphabet enough to be intelligible.

For example, your name. I’d call it “The one starting with A!” but that makes it kinda hard if there are more starting with whatever cyrillic letter it is that resembles A. There’s a need to be able to call out names more clearly.

But to begin with, xrealm matchmaking shouldn’t be a thing. It’s horrible for the social effects. You won’t see “epic rivalries” or “epic friendships” forming inside BGs like this, without support for the psychological mechanisms behind what makes people more likely to leave an impression on others.
We’re all too easily forgettable like this, and that makes it devolve into a toxic mess like what has already happened over the many years in retail.

The reason vanilla PvPers remembers the “epic BGs” from back then is because they remembered the players they played with and against. Xrealm matchmaking was only a thing in vanilla for the last few months, when vanilla itself lasted for around 2 years.
It’s because there wasn’t any xrealm matchmaking that it became such a longlasting and happy memory.

/target is useless if you can’t type the letters. Not being able to target a flag carrier in wsg without seeing them for example is a huge disadvantage.

Most germans don’t use any special characters, their double s isn’t really used anymore. Anyone with a somewhat standard qwerty keyboard can figure out how to type a ä, ü, ö etc. Meanwhile, most people outside of slavic countries doesn’t even know how to read a cyrillic name, let alone type it on their computer.

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Who are you? why are you trying to answer questions whose answers you are clearly not aware of)
just don’t get me wrong, I’m very sociable, but the situation just forces people to leave the game or change the server, and all you say is just your thoughts and nothing more, people are gathered here and they want to discuss the current situation and want to get an answer from the company they pay money for playing, no one needs your comments under every word, of course, it’s cool that you are so sociable, but don’t try to help where you cannot

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Rush b cyka blyat

And who are you? Why are you trying to tell me what I can reply to and what I can’t reply to on an open forum? An open forum is an open forum. That’s just something you’ll have to accept, because there’s nothing you can do about it.

(Or am I only allowed to say something about it if I cheer you on and agree to what you say? Is that it?)

m8 ofc you can write whatever you want, just draw conclusions for myself and stop paying attention to you) You are a living example of the fact that on any server there are clowns that no one wants to deal with sry didnt see your 1048 posts )) get it

You do you, I’ll do me. We’ll both live happily ever after as long as you stick to you.

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Fact is cyrillic users have their seperate queue for bg, this is a choice bliz made. There is a big russian horde guild on Dreadmist (DaKult) and they speak english in public channels and I assume Russian amongst each other. Haven’t had any issues with them.

There’s one on the server I play on as well, and they’re the same. They don’t socialize much, but when writing in chat channels then it’s in English (except for their guild recruitment, but they do write in English that it’s a Russian guild so it’s within the norm the same as for other languages too).

it turns out we have to report about people who play on Russian servers and do not speak Russian, and they have to communicate in English in chats)
it just turns out that we are happy to accept foreigners, and the euro community behaves like Germany in good old time , the double tolerance that you teach and neglect at the same time. thats funny

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1.) Horde ganks Alliance trying to do quests when they are dominant on the servers and feel the need to farm honor.
2.) Alliance go on forums complaining that its boring to not even being able to quest.
3.) Horde answers with L2P or “You chose to roll Alliance on a PVP sever, deal with it”
4.) A lot of alliance players stopped playing making hordes be even more dominant.
5.) AV rolls out and the few alliance players left thinks its nice to finally play a fair fight and everyone starts to play it a lot.
6.) Alliance players gets done with their rep in 3 days and stops playing AV because its boring to do the same thing over and over with no breaks.
7.) Ques get longer for Horde because they are dominant everywhere.
8.) Horde players come to the forum and complain.
9.) Alliance players laughs at horde players complaining.


ye but we will dominate ally together whit our eu hord brothers in one group

Pretty sure you can click any enemy with addons like Spy.

And yes, if the horde is waiting for 1 hour AV, what do you think they will do meanwhile? This affects alliance on servers as well (by getting ganked), more than in any other region.

It’s clear that there was a fast band aid fix with bugs in it.

just an example, I have a friend, he is a Swede, in the beginning ,we loging av on 1 2 3 to get into the group and together destroy the alliance, why Blizzard deprives us of such an opportunity , and dont tell me about name ,ok than what about Germans whit ü, ö, ä, ß ? how you can tipe name if its just like “öößvvömumanß”
looks equally impossible for people who don’t have these letters on the keyboard

When the game requires an addon because they messed up with the alphabets in the matchmaking (which is a social design), then that has already gone too far.
The game client itself should translate the cyrillic letters into romanized letters. Shouldn’t require an addon to do it.

That way, a player playing on a cyrillic client would only see cyrillic names, and players playing on the english client would only see romanized names. When you require an addon to do that for you, you already know not everyone will be using one and it’s not something Blizzard have any right to force players to do.

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You don’t use other addons? Then if you are PvPing, you probably have Spy to begin with.

I played thousands of WSG games back then. I don’t remember a single time I had to do /target or make a macro for it instead of clicking on him manually. These are just lame excuses.

Read it again. It’s such a basic part of the gameplay that the game client should enable it on its own, and not require an addon to do it for you.

Spy still requires you to either mouse over the target, or the target to perform an action/gain/lose an aura while in range. It’s certainly not as reliable as /target. If your argument is that players can get an addon Blizzard repeatedly have made efforts to nerf you don’t have a good argument.

They don’t. You chose not to play on the same server, not Blizzard’s fault.
ß is very rarely used, but they are also used on EN servers by non-German speaking players (although often erroneously instead of B), even more rarely so early in a name that it breaks /target.

Most people can learn how to do ¨ on their keyboard with the help of an online search engine, I wouldn’t even be surprised if the majority of players on EN servers have it by default (Scandinavians, German speaking countries and Dutch are among those who do). Russian characters however requires you to know how to do about 30 different symbols, and every single player on Russian servers have names exclusively using cyrillic. That’s a huge difference.

If you want to petition Blizzard to stop supporting names with special characters I’ll be happy to support you though. As a Scandinavian I really don’t see the need for them.

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This problem would disappear if only the client would translate it on its own. Since it would affect the API’s functionality as well.

It would make it possible to type down the /target and then whatever it is that the client shows you instead of the original name of the player in a different alphabet, instead of relying on needing to click via an addon or having an addon translate it for target calling.

It would also make socializing xrealm just a little bit easier as well.