Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

chooses the overpopulated faction because muh imba racials

cries about queue

what a retard

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If everyone understands the tasks on the BG, its no problem. It takes 3-5 phrases to get synergy.
Cyrillic is not Arabic script and not Chinese characters.

Except it doesn’t. You show a severe lack of understanding for social mechanisms.

Uhm… Wut? Please try to make sense.

We all know, that russians don’t need chat to communicate on bg.
Because they can’t communicate everywhere.
So enjoy your queues and don’t touch EU’s bg with funny, kindly and peaceful atmosphere.

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If this is just happening to the Russian servers then it needs to be fixed asap.

If it is to all Horde it’s because there are too many trying to queue, but can’t say I have seen / read any other threads about the same subject - or I just haven’t looked hard enough!

this is very suspicious. i main horde and my queues have never been over 20 mins at worst

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I would prefer a silent chat.
BG with random players, this is a chill mode. For a game with full communication use premade groups

That’s just apathetic and asocial. This isn’t a single player game.

It may aswell be Arabic or Chinese for /target purposes for most non-Russian players.

Yes it is indeed weird. Weird to see only 20 people in /who in AV on the server while having like 60 people inside Alterac Mountains near the portal and twice as much in Orgrimar.

wow is social game, of course. But sometimes BG look like a place only for abuse in chat, not for complete tasks of BG.
type the toxic text while enemy take the flag is it ok?
There is a barrens chat for such a game.

You think you Joker, but you don’t.

That’s due to the consequences of xrealm matchmaking which nullifies the effects of the mere-exposure effect and proximity principle.
Basically, you’d become more socially aware even inside BGs if you’d only play with and against others on the same realm.
It’d make it a more “friendly” place on average.

It’s kind of like comparing the realm you play on now, and how you can recognize players, compared to retail where you end up in different shards and don’t bother trying to remember people anymore. Our brains just weren’t made for that. We need to see people regularly to develop social awareness.

Fix pls that problem

I absolutely agree with you BG chat is very often a toxic cesspool and we would all be better off without it.

Too many people would rather be dishing out snarky comments about how terrible everyone else is and let the flag they are ‘guarding’ be ninja’d.


The trap
Many past designs ignored Dunbar’s Layers and naively assumed “more is better.” They ignore friendship formation and assume “it just happens.” They ignore social groups and arbitrarily mash players together.

In reality, these assumptions are actively harmful and cause the following:

  • Fewer in-game friendships . A flood of strangers swamp the reciprocation and proximity mechanisms that generate friends. Poor identity, persistence, reciprocity, and consent systems mean these strangers never convert into friends, so there are fewer meaningful relationships in the game.
  • Increased toxicity . Large groups of strangers naturally breed toxic sub-groups. Players engage in violent rejection of out-groups in order to protect their experience and intergroup conflict becomes the cultural norm. Such communities are hard to reform and poison long-term retention.
  • Scope creep . The additional systems necessary to manage large groups of strangers substantially increase the scope of your game.

What players need

If players have not filled all the slots in their primary friend network, they suffer. And, in response, they are intrinsically motivated to deepen their existing relationships or build relationships with new people. Striving for belongingness is one of the strongest human motivations. They will naturally seek out activities that help them make friends and belong to something bigger than themselves.

In other words, it’s a “toxic cesspool” on average because there’s no enforcement in the design for players to develop a social awareness. Kind of like how people tend to act differently on social media where they’re more anonymous than they are in real life.
The social design is key.

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I had just always followed the simple explanation

Thanks for that link though, I will rummage about there later.

A heads’ up though, the conclusions in that link is a bit off since they assume the layers in Dunbar’s Layers theory are static. Meaning that people can’t swap out spots taken in those layers temporarily.
I’d argue that’s wrong and they’re more fluid, and people can bond with a new person and have it replace a previous bond. Which impacts the proposed social design of that report.

blizzard only get back to business when we start massively demanding a refund for a subscription. differently, these people simply do not understand, and for a very long time.

Fix this please