Long 1-2h queue time on AV every day on RU realm horde .HYPE AND FIX THIS PLS

how does this help solve our problem (queue error on AV)? And the problem of intolerance to Cyrillic in general?

How is it intolerant to acknowledge it causes problems when a server group of a different alphabet with unrecognizable characters is mixed into the gameplay experience?
When it sounds like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then you should call it a duck.

That isn’t even what the post is for, which you quoted for some unintelligible reason.

Blizzard! Fix this!


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Can we please get a blue post under this one? It’s frustrating that you guys ignore such a problem!

I realized that you have nothing to do with this problem, just have fun here…

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Literraly unplayable! 15min to play, 60min to wait

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i want to play, i dont want to wait

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If u have 8 minutes game - that’s your problem. You can prolong that fight …

I almost wasted a tear here… :rofl:

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My guess, you are only being allowed to play on Russian realm BGs.

Blizzard can you:
Reduce the amount of honor gained from AV.
Increase honor gained from WSG.


25 min waiting in prime time…
FIX it please.

No more holding people hostage for 5 hours, eh?


Roll ally or keep chugging vodka ruski.


I drink vodka every day, start in the morning, play the balalaika, and at home I have a bear. But I can’t enter Alterac.


Fix this please

A nechego tut fix-t. poluchite chto zarabotali… zaregalis’ s perevesom 4 k 1 za Ordu. Teper’ sosite banan :-))))

How do you retards want to FIX this problem ? Horde players are MAJORITY. Roll alliance or there is NO fix.

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I agree with this guy !!!