how does this help solve our problem (queue error on AV)? And the problem of intolerance to Cyrillic in general?
How is it intolerant to acknowledge it causes problems when a server group of a different alphabet with unrecognizable characters is mixed into the gameplay experience?
When it sounds like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then you should call it a duck.
That isn’t even what the post is for, which you quoted for some unintelligible reason.
Blizzard! Fix this!
1 1 1
Can we please get a blue post under this one? It’s frustrating that you guys ignore such a problem!
I realized that you have nothing to do with this problem, just have fun here…
Literraly unplayable! 15min to play, 60min to wait
i want to play, i dont want to wait
If u have 8 minutes game - that’s your problem. You can prolong that fight …
I almost wasted a tear here…
My guess, you are only being allowed to play on Russian realm BGs.
Blizzard can you:
Reduce the amount of honor gained from AV.
Increase honor gained from WSG.
25 min waiting in prime time…
FIX it please.
No more holding people hostage for 5 hours, eh?
Roll ally or keep chugging vodka ruski.
I drink vodka every day, start in the morning, play the balalaika, and at home I have a bear. But I can’t enter Alterac.
Fix this please
A nechego tut fix-t. poluchite chto zarabotali… zaregalis’ s perevesom 4 k 1 za Ordu. Teper’ sosite banan :-))))
How do you retards want to FIX this problem ? Horde players are MAJORITY. Roll alliance or there is NO fix.
I agree with this guy !!!