Did you get the Worm Food title for being eaten by the sarlacc in TOR? That would explain it.
Omg I did lol, had forgotten about that
I do love this idea though
has anyone ever played pilotwings64?
I freaking LOVE that game!
If WoW was like pilotwings, I would love flying. if flying itself was the fun part, then I would love that. and there have been occasions where I have enjoyed flying in this game to explore some areas I couldn’t otherwise get to.
It’s all about the direction of the game though. why am I flying this time? to skip over the same world I’ve travelled past countless times already? just because blizzard wants me to complete this quest for the 50th time? nothing about this is positive. the flying, the repeatable quests. nothing. If flying was a fun part of the game play and a core part of the game, I don’t think anyone would really complain.
What flying hurts is emergent gameplay that often happens in MMO’s that is part of the living game world. it allows for other type of gameplay and I am arguing to preserve that whilst also giving opportunity for the ground based emergent gameplay to come back.
I’ve said multiple times and made it very clear, I don’t want to take anything away from anyone, I want to give people the option.
me being on a different shard from you who wants free flying, is not going to hurt you in any appreciable way. you don’t see me anyway, because I am off questing somewhere or exploring some far corner of the world.
It’s not going to hurt LFG or raids, or mythic plus or pvp. it just gives people the option to be tethered to the ground so their mind adapts to a new way of viewing the world.
given the option most of us will drive to work, but if the car breaks down and we walk, one day we might see the most amazing thing, like butterflies or cows or horses or whatever, that we otherwise would not have seen or we might not have even considered. this emergent experience, doesn’t happen if we have the opportunity to simply pass it by.
Sometimes, when I have been forced to do something a certain way, I have found value in it. I never would have chosen it, but in the end I have benefited from it. I appreciate those things, but given the option, I never would have had those things.
I wouldnt mind having the no fliers crowd in a separate shard as long as i dont have to give up my flying
so something like Tahra posted would appeal?
Quoting snippets out of context rarely works well. They are generally part of a larger conversation. The entire context is there for everyone to see, but I doubt many can be bothered to read though all that now.
I didn’t do anything like you claim but you are free to interpret it as you see fit. I am always saddened when people have to resort to picking on MVP status. I don’t suddenly stop having an opinion when I agreed to become an MVP. You have had two digs at my status now. I know some don’t like the MVP programme but really it has no bearing on the debate.
The topic was discussed, it got derailed by some other things, also not my doing. I was actually enquiring about someone else’s suggestion when that derailment took place.
In no way does the iron man approach disregard anything. I am not the person who brought up having an npc to force people to be grounded and no longer be able to fly. The OP said they didn’t have the control to not use flying mounts. Most Iron Man guilds/communities have rules on what you can and can’t do and if you die that’s it game over. They are self regulating and their members have to exert self control. It was not an alien suggestion that those who really like to be grounded could form a community and set out some rules so they can be grounded together.
You know what? You are absolutely right. I’ve made my opinion on you clear as it is.
I also dislike when people cherry pick quotes. I honestly did not imagine it might lose important context, but it almost always does.
I still disagree with you, but there’s no reason for me to be a douche. My apologies.
I think so. because it would mean there would be some variety and challenge in some areas. getting to a hard to reach place for example, will still occur in some areas. emergent gameplay in different regions would still occur, because then there would be a real choice involved in whether or not you fly or go by ground.
edit: it makes me think of the many times I have flown through regions like ashenvale or ungoro, the tree canopies are very complex structures and often I try to imagine that the leaves are not just something you can fly right through, I fly through the gaps that I can see and use it like a flight simulator type game. I would prefer it if there was some actual physical obstacle caused by tree canopies. it would make it so much more exciting and vivid than my silly imaginary challenge.
If I could get hurt by hitting them or even dismounted then it would be real gameplay.
To be fair though and I am not trying to offend anyone because I also like the idea, but if such a thing was implemented then I personally would not want Pathfinder, I would want flying from the start because as you say you will need to choose your difficulties, take the ground route or try and fly through the various obstacles
I think that’s totally fair because some people just want to fly. why not let them? after all, Blizzard are trying to make this game suitable for everyone.
This is very true
! The MVP wants flying removed!
Oh yeah, of course.
Doing Pathfinder AND inhibiting flying then again doesn’t go down well with the playerbase I think (look at Argus and such; we just got flying and then couldn’t fly in the new zone; that was bad. What they did in 8.3 is less bad, but still… It leaves a bad taste: Congratulations you can fly now! …and now you sorta/kinda can’t).
I’m not sure I’d like flying above a city and all of a sudden my flying gets disabled and I’m falling to my death ^^’
If I recall the height wasn’t that punishing. Also; with today’s mechanics and such, they’d probably make you ‘auto parachute’.
Like crossing Northrend but accidently getting within the border of Wintergrasp?
You get that lovely noise warning you
no thanks. doesnt solve anything but catering to the no-flying-crowd.
Clearly they wouldn’t do that though. instead I imagine it would be like a big bubble that just stops you from flying over that area or pushes you downwards.