Totally agree.
If OP enjoys the jumping games but needs flying to be removed in order to be able to see them or enjoy them… ?? I don’t know what to think. Should Blizzard grant you your wish, the game will be broken for many.
I for one don’t like those games. If it’s possible to avoid, I’ll do my best to do just that. Avoid those things. But f.ex I want my Baa’l pet. For now I’m stuck on the jumping in MacAree. I tried, and failed. And will spend a few days more to gather the want to try again. It’s not fun!
One can always choose to use only ground mounts. Choose not to take the easy way out, but find your way on ground or by climbing things.
For those of us who for various reason hate the no-flying version of the game, there’s no other choice than to quit it all together if flying is removed. For me the relief I feel when I can finally fly again when hitting that Pathfinder II achie… it’s immense! The best day of the expansion!