Look for a Noob Friendly Guild

Im relatively new to World of Warcraft not settled and a specific realm as of yet, But one thing is clear I’d like to find a Guild to join to meat new people and learn more about the game instead of aimlessly wondering around

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Hey there! =)

You’re welcome to check out our guild, Ministry of Silly Wipes!
We welcome all players, new or old, and have many people who are more than willing to help out if you’ve questions, or need help whilst you’re learning to play.

Have a read of the thread ive linked, and feel to add me for a chat if you’ve questions or anything =)
Westie#2496 on bnet and Discord


Our guild might be just what you are looking for, check out our profile.

[LFM] [EU] [H&A] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

And if you like what you see join our discord and we will take it from there.
