Title says it all really Looking for an alliance-silvermoon UK based guild to join. Maxed out a few characters but looking for a guild for my main to raid and do mythics casually
Hey man, our guild gm and two officers are from the UK. We got other valuable members too who are from the UK as well. We would love to have you.
Hello all!
We are a bunch of guys and girls who recently emerged through the gates of Tartarus to take on Sire Donny and his Brady Bunch.
Who are we?
The guild was formed at the start of Shadowlands on the EU server Magtheridon with the name “To Hell and Back” as a reference to the rock song by Sabaton. The guild still exists on Magtheridon but the main operation is currently being directed from our new guild " Back From Hell". We just recently transferred over to Silvermoon for we consider i…
We’re on Ravencrest but incase this is of interest to you
This story begins in the Super Happy Magic Forest, where everybody enjoys picnics, fun and frolics all year round! Five brave heroes were chosen. Everybody agreed that they were the bravest in all the land. With barely enough time to pack a picnic, the heroes began their epic quest!
(This is the bit where you come in!)
They set off to find fellow brave heroes, to battle through frozen fields, against cunning and fearsome creatures. Conquer dungeons and raids that tested their skills to the lim…
Our group is on Aerie Peak but cross realm is an option. We are a UK based small community and have a casual approach to the game.
If you like to know more you can check out
gow.gg/together (just add the https)
Take care and have fun!
[ Origin of Insanity] a friendly guild looking to expand our numbers any players new/old/ lvlers or people who just wanna chat, we are a social guild raid saturdays 10/10 normal CN looking to progress to HC we also M+ daily we have a very active discord come join the fun
battal tag mealiesmum#2416