Looking for a guild (Argent Dawn)

I’m looking for a friendly guild, to do Mythic+ and any other fun content they have to offer

I’m casual player as personal life commitments take priority :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Hawksby !

[Forgotten Souls ] are looking to recruit dps for the raid team for next patch. We raid Sun/Mon evenings each week, if you are interested please get in touch with me. Socials are also very welcome! We are a guild full of friends and we know each other for quite a while already.
We do allot of m+ when there is no raid.

If this sounds something for you , please message me.


Hey Hawksby, now that cross realm guilds are a thing come check us out at

One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk , cant wait

Hi Hawksby,

come and check us out. We are a raiding guild with the focus of at least getting AOTC, and pushing further where we can.

Many in the guild also get together to run mythic plus. Pushing for Keystone Master and Hero.

I will share a story of one of my first mythic plus runs with the guild, up to this point I had been pugging practicing to join them in 20s later in the future. They pulled me into a 16 I had only ever done 9s at this point and I was the healer.

We finished the key eventually :joy:, had a laugh every time a person died or got hit my a mechanic, we didn’t give up and kept pushing forward. Finally getting and downing the last boss. I kept joining them each week getting better and eventually timing 20s and higher. Memories I wont forget.