Looking for a guild (new home) :)

Hey everyone!

I’m a Rogue with 611 ilvl, looking for a guild to raid and run Mythic+ keys with. I’ve been playing WoW since 2006 and returned to the game about a year ago. So far, I’ve cleared 8/8 Normal and 4/8 Heroic in the current raid tier.

I’m looking for a friendly and organized guild where I can consistently raid and run keys without spending too much time searching for groups. While I may not be a pro, I believe I play well enough to contribute to a solid team.

My availability is flexible, as long as is not too late at night. Im a positive and chill player—no toxicity, no rage, just here to enjoy the game and improve together with a team.

Would love to join a guild that values teamwork and fun! Let’s clear content together!

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Hey :slight_smile:
We’re a small but active guild looking for more members! We raid on Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 server time and are active in Mythic+ as well.

If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord: milowismylove.

Join us and be part of a great team! :crossed_swords::sparkles:

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Hi there :wave:
Are you still looking for a home? Search no more :wink:
I think we have what you are looking for, in a guild. We, MYTHOS, value the person and having fun over top scores.
We had a post here, I think its closed cos of time limit, but will link it here for you to read and see if it’s something you might want to try :slight_smile:

MYTHOS is recruiting dedicated raiders to join our Heroic Raid Team for TWW .

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or an up-and-coming player, if you’re looking for a team focused on progression, community, and fun, we want you.

About Us: We have been about since Season 3 of Dragonflight and have a rag tag much of people. As game goes on we grow and lose some old players to the grind. But we push on and want to focus mainly on having fun. The raids are no way hardcore and player “skill” is mixed. But we achieve AoTC.

Raid Progression: [8/8NM 8/8HC] in Heroic [Nerub-Ar Palace].

Raid Times: Friday 20:30 -23:00 and Sunday 20:00-22:00.

Atmosphere: We pride ourselves on fostering a mature, constructive, and friendly environment. We want progression but also understand that WoW is about having fun.

Why Join Us?
We have an amazing bunch of people here. Have small silly events every couple weeks from M+ race nights, PvP to just chilling. A lot of the guildies love Mythic plus so we do keys from +2 to +10 onwards dependant on groups. So there is a little of something for everyone.

Contact: BNET - Donzie#21390 and Jenga#2615
DISCORD - jenny6122 and Donzie

Thank you for reading. Take care and ofc, hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

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Hey :slight_smile:

You could also consider us ^^