So I have just recently changed back to horde after my short and sweet Alliance fling. As the title suggests I am looking for a new home!
I am far more interested in a close-knit community than a hardcore progression guild, that being said I do enjoy playing all the content available whether that’s successful or not
Would love to find a place where the mindset of clearing the content in a relaxed and enjoyable environment is key.
This game just is not meant to be played alone in my opinion and I would love to meet my new WoW family! I will be maining my warrior for shadowlands, I can tank or DPS as I enjoy both.
If you think I would be a good fit for your guild feel free to comment or add my battlenet Prophet#2308 and let’s get chatting 
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Greetings Wardell,
Our guild, The Twilight Tier (Horde, Saurfang) sounds like it might be a good fit for you!
We’ve recently come back after a time of inactivity and are actively recruiting players who are looking for a place they can call home. Our focus is on building a community where everyone feels welcome.
Currently, we aren’t looking too seriously at raiding, but we have been having fun running 5-man Mythics and very recently dabbled in Mythic+. Our members like to help out wherever they can, and enjoy chatting amongst themselves while they quest or level their alts.
If this sounds like your kind of place or if you have any questions, send me a DM on Discord (Veletala#8483) or Battle.Net (Veletala#2216) and I’ll be more than happy to chat with you.
Best of luck in your search for a guild you can call home!
(Edit: Mistype in discord tag
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