HI there and thank you for popping by,
I am on the look out for a guild for Shadowlands, Faction does not really matter to be honest rather have a fun and exiting guild over what side ill be on, but my heart will be horde
I dont mind alliance at all!
I am looking to play Hunter, DPS Shaman(Ideally EL or DPS Warrior. I Have ZERO interest in healing and I don’t mind OS tank for Warrior. I am 30 Years old, from UK been playing since AQ Patch in Vanilla on and off.
I am looking for a guild that raids between the hours of 19:30-23:30 any where in between them. I can’t or won’t raid Friday or Saturday as well basically I just dont want to. But rest of the week is fine.
I Believe I will bring a confident, well knowledge and well prepared player to your guild who isn’t scared to get his hands dirty and help out when I can. I am a Heroic raider (Got all heroic kills this expansion except Crucible of storms due to being on holiday and guild just ran for achievement at time and I didn’t care too much.) and not Mythic but I do believe I can push myself and become one if the chance came. I do alot of homework on my class I main and yes im that sad guy who is constantly on sites looking at new beta/PTR changes on my class and raids bosses.
I sadly have to leave my old guild due to new work schedule and can no longer raid late nights, so looking for a normal guild now
And just a Thank you for even forcing yourself through this at all.
Cheers again
Hey there i’m Ally, if your free to have a chat i feel we could offer a good home 
my battlenet is Allyssi#2111 feel free to add me and i can tell you more of our guild ps we are horde 
Ally x
EDIT - Twisting Nether (H) is a newly formed guild built by a core team of Cutting Edge raiders (12/12 mythic Nyalotha). We decided to part from a larger guild to carve our own path in the Shadowlands, pushing for Cutting Edge in all raid tiers.
Currently we are recruiting a handful more for our Core Raid team, mythic+ players and socials so we have spaces available to cater for all needs!
If you’d like to know more or have a chat with us on Disc feel free to add me on Battle Net Mattbeans#2588.
Hello lover of my mum,
If you fancy going Alliance then Zim Zalabim could be the fit for you, we are on Ravencrest,
Check out the recruitment post here it seems to check most your boxes.
And if you have anymore questions feel free to contact me on:
bnet: glenn819#1838
Discord: glenn819#6544
Hey there ILYM,
[H] Hammered - Magtheridon.
At present we are a group of raiders who have just transferred from an active Curve raiding guild to start afresh, we’re actually looking for DPS at the minute as we’re looking to fill the roster. Ideally looking for people who are like to have a great laugh, be a bit wacky, while we still manage to gain AotC each tier.
Raid times are:
Thursday - 8PM - 11PM Server time
Sunday - 7PM - 11PM Server Time
Drop me a message on BNet - Shaan#2634 if you’re interested, or you could message the GM - MrPegasus#21893.
Hey dude, have a look at our guild Based Community