Looking for Active RP Guild (A or H)

Greetings Bretheren,

I’ve played WoW on an off since 2005 and i think its finally Time for me to look for a RP Guild to enjoy the Game with!
I’m 33 Years old with mostly PvP Experience but i never did shy away from PvE Encounters. I overall always loved Wow and the Warcraft/Starcraft Universe and I’m absolutely excited about the idea joining an active Guild on Argent Dawn. If you want to talk about or rather have a Chat if i fit in with you or not and everything else you want to talk about feel free to add me on Battle Net on Dexterous#2534.

Looking forward to play with you guys!


Welcome to Argent Dawn (or the RP side of Argent Dawn) if I were you, I would have a look through the forum here and/or Argent Archives, see what appeals to you the most, and shoot them a message. From a guild officer pov, “new player looking for any kind of RP guild” is not terribly enticing.


Hello friend!

I couldn’t entirely make it out in your post but I’m going to assume you are new to roleplay. If so, I recommend you consider attending the open bar for new and experienced roleplayers alike! (Which should be tomorrow)

There’s also a weekly gathering for Horde guilds on Sundays, though I’m a bit out of the loop whether that is held on a usual spot or whether it differs each time.

I’ll add that currently we’re a few weeks away from the release of the next expansion, which tends to be a dip in roleplay activity due to people throwing themselves at all the new content. So if there isn’t any sort about that catches your eye now, fret not! There will likely be a boost in activity some weeks into the expansion. And that’s not to even mention the big server events people are heading.

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Thanks for your answers so far!
Yes I’m very new to Wow RP and it doesnt have to be super hardcore RP but im definitely open to all sorts of things that involves it. Or even just having Fun with Guildies and enjoying the Game. I will for sure browse the Forums and get a feel for whats going on!
Thanks again for the Replies!

I also recommend checking out argentarchives.org! The guild tab is often outdated as can be, but people often post stories about their characters that are fun to read, cool art, and a constantly updated public event calendar that’ll help you find your footing.

For these public events, however, I recommend downloading Listener. It will be a lifesaver in crowds.