Looking for an Orc guild

Hey everyone!

Just came back to Wow after a few months break. I’ve always played this game on and off but never really got to far into the lore other than events in Wrath.

But out of nowhere I thought lets try a novel and omg ‘Rise of the Horde’ what a journey! I’m still going but i’m on chapter 17 and having a blast which made me start Warcraft 3 for the first time.

Anyhow, i’m looking for an orc guild to eventually once i’ve made one and levelled up, are there any active orc clans you all reccomend that I could keep an eye on? I’m looking for adventure and all thing orc like :smiley:

Thanks everyone! Happy gaming :slight_smile:


Mok’ra, friend.

If you’re looking for a Orc themed and culture group I cannot recommend the Winter Sun Clan more than enough. (OOC Tag is; Banner of the Winter Sun).

They are a group that is focused on the culture, horde loyalties and similar themes.

I will give a link to their Argent Archies just here;


Ah thank you! I’ll be sure to check them out :smiley:

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Count me in. Another Orc guild that caught my interest after looking through AA were the Bloodwolves but I am unsure if they are still active. :frowning:

Check out the Hand of Conquest, not orc only, but on focus on the orc faction of WC3. So very much inspired on that era.

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