Looking for bnet friends from here?

Hey guys,
If you know me and like me from here, leave your bnets so I can add you.
You’ll know its me because… well my bnet is moritz.
fine just add me.


Mine is Malaficus#1869 i would welcome people to play with. Gogogo mentality can jump in lava.

I’m far too socially awkward for any of this!

You’re already on mine :slight_smile:

we’re the opposite of magnets.
Possessives attract.

i prefer just to be in guilds or communities. After tbc and wotlk i feel like the only people who ever add others in friendlists are like a puppy that instantly starts humping your leg when you come home/online. Too needy for attention, atleast for my amount of social needs. I’m more of a cat person

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The tea has been served :sneezing_face:

What kinda ppl do u have on your friendslist? :sweat_smile::flushed:


yeah thats not me.
Not that im saying to add me but really not me

Well as a figure of speech, i mean the kinds of people that start whispering you and inviting you the moment you log into battle net without even having the chance to get comfy and think of what you feel like doing, the smothering types of people.

those kind of experience is why i stopped making use of the friendlist xD

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Can relate. I stopped adding people to my friends list because they wanted to small talk all the time. It felt kind of awkward at least for me.
Plus I’m not very talkative if the subject doesn’t interest me.


Since its trendy rn :sneezing_face:
innocent#21751 for the interested fellas anyways, who knows might meet another Aldy :sneezing_face:


Looking for Ingame Friends.

There’s a thread for looking for ingame friends already!.

But here’s mine! MadaraUchiha#22894

I can relate…

I would add you, but I am scared of male elves.

I used to play in Emerald Dream back on days I might even have one character left there I did not transfer, when my army left (and yes, I paid 500 euro for leaving the realm :P)

Maybe if you become my friend I might love Emerald Dream again!

i am not adding strangers to my friend list haveing inaff stalkers already .

That gif…
The latest episode…
Feel gut punched…

-kicks the gnome-

lets play kick the gnome. Gnomeball time !

I am gonna play hearthstone in 8.3 to pump my DH IQ a bit :exploding_head:
But I like me new friend :innocent::+1:t5: