Looking for casual friendly, chill guild!

Hi All,
I’ve been a casual player throughout expansions since Cataclysm, would love to join an active guild with a sizeable roster for all sorts of activities bgs, arena, heroics (for now), mythic dungeons later? May or may not sign up for raids. Depending… mainly interested in PvP and some MDs.


Hi there, Moonsirg. I’m the leader of the Order of Twilight on Argent Dawn. We’re casual-friendly and offer things to do for all levels of players, from raiding (no requirement on attendance, come when you’d like!) We also have an active community who often run dungeons together, some occasional BGs and PvP and farming lots of transmog and collectibles.

We’re a fairly new guild only having been created a little less than a month ago, so we have a very new and fresh atmosphere. Our roster size is around 25, and we plan to grow that a little bit more going further into the expansion to make sure our members have an active community they can participate in and benefit from alongside everyone else.

If this sounds good to you, feel free to add me on Battle.net: Tacothunder#1263

Best wishes in your search!

Hey there :slight_smile:

I think you’d fit in with us quite nicely ^^