Looking for group tool NOW

Pls, we need the LFG tool asap. The boosting meta has destroyed /4 and finding “normal” groups is really difficult now. Most ppl don’t even read /4 anymore. Blizz, pls help.

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Even with Looking For Stupid tools noone will do it as it’s alot slower as boosting.
Go away and take your stupid idea with you.

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lmao haha retail newbs go brrrrr


So, explain how the LFG will prevent people from boosting and search a normal group instead ?

True fact : it won’t.

Wouldn’t change a thing. Get LFG add-on and ignore WTS boosts people.

imagine blizzard once listened these kind of suggestions and what happened to orginal world of warcraft? keep it MMO even its harder.

Just whisper people in the level range of the dungeon

Nice troll post!
But dont worry TBC that most wants will give you your LFG toplam.

Not to the extreme as it is now, but there was always boosting. I can remember on my old Vanilla server that you rarely seen any low level dungeons being done, unless they were alts being boosted for quest item, or boss drops by a level 60. There are plenty of level 60 dungeons being run all day everyday on most decent populated realms.

they already have a system like this for battlegrounds, which is crossrealm even. what is the problem with having it in pve?

I personally couldn’t care less if they add LFG or not, I didn’t think it took away from the social aspect of the game at all, asI barely talk to people I run dungeons with unless they are guildies. However, you have people with a mentality who automatically assume that the adding of LFG will lead the the addition of LFR which will detrimental to the game.

But there is an LFG tool in TBC, just not the same as the one in wrath.

Dungeon Finder (i.e. the “Find Dungeon” tool in refail) in its current automated fashion wasn’t implemented until the ICC patch in WotlK.
Group Finder (the xrealm advertisement service, where people sign up to your “posting”) wasn’t implemented until later as well.

Automatic grouping for PvE first started as a small idea in Vanilla with the stones, but it didn’t take any proper shape until the ICC patch.

The social consequences are very real. The masses who say “but I don’t think it will change anything” are just too ignorant. https://www.projecthorseshoe.com/reports/featured/ph18r8.htm
That link explains it in full. The source materials it references explains it all in even greater detail. It’s not something a typical gamer knows anything about, yet it’s hilarious to see how some morons still tries to claim the opposite.

inb4 the “lmao who’s gonna read that, trolololol”. Yet they still claim they know better. It’s just sad.


As long as it’s not x-realm I don’t mind either way can just imagine the ninjas that can get away with it protecting their reputation on own server

Not to be harsh, but boosting didn’t ruin “normal dungeon PUG groups”, playing with “normal PUG groups” ruined dungeons.

Most people leveling now are people leveling alts. These are people who did the questing, including the annoying ones that drag you across 5 zones on 2 continents for 700 XP. They also did the normal dungeons with annoying people who can’t play their class at all. It’s completely normal for the game to be all about boosting when we’re almost a year away from launch, there isn’t a constant influx of players who are new to the game every month and pretty much everyone who started at launch have 2+ lvl60s.

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Certainely not.

That being said, Blizz should do something about boosting. The number of players grouping up with high level to run dungeons is becoming a big problem for those who want to play the game regularly. This won’t fix everything but it can helps bringing back a bit more life into low level content. Just a suggestion take it easy twinks.

LFG won’t help if people aren’t running those instances - and nowadays they aren’t running because they are either 60 or have guild friends / pay for more efficient boosts. There is very very little organic leveling versus what it was so boost has taken over for the most part. Only Fresh or TBC progression announcement can change this if you want good leveling experience.

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maybe because new players don’t really want to join a game where veterans think they are



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It actually wont fix anything at all.

If you remove boosting, you simply reduce the number of fresh lvl60s because less people bother with alts. Changing the game and hoping that people play the way you want simply doesn’t work; people play as they wish.