Hey there. Recently decided to give in and resubscribe to WoW again after a 2 year+ hiatus. Also wanted to start fresh on a new server (old one is dead) and get away from the Alliance.
Currently I am in the process of deciding which class to play for the rest of the expansion leaning towards Hunter or Discpriest.
What I am really missing to make the game fun is a group of nerds to hang out with on guild chat and preferrably Voice as well (Discord, Ts3, Mumble you name it)
What’s to say about me:
My BattleTag is IchSchamane#2654
I have raid experience up to full hc clears and a couple M bosses every now and then.
I like raiding/pugging but prefer to be in a regular group.
I do spend most of my time that is not needed on gearing on filling out my ATT. (gotta catch them all)
I do love to talk about the game, the lore, books, movies, series, food etc etc all day long.
Not hugely into pvp outside of the occasional BG.
I will do all that I can to get up to 120 quickly before 8.2 hits so I can fully utilize the catchup mechanisms to join you guys in the upcoming PVE content.
Hope to see you in /w.