Looking for guild, please help


I’m looking to join a guild with my Human character, only I’m torn between joining an adventure/traveling type guild, or a guild based on Human life in the Stormwind region and it’s neighbouring areas (Elwyn, Duskwood, Lakeshire…).

Please suggest any fun guild that would fit these descriptions.


Try the Sunnyglade Ratters from the PCU!

Have a read through the forum as a whole, there is some lovely adventuring style guilds out there and yes more city based. Also look at argent archives, should be working just fine. Host of guilds posted there :). There are a large number of guild options especially for human roleplay across the server.

I personally always reccommend guilds that travel. It opens up a lot of possibility for character progression and gets you involved in all sorts of shenanigans. Indeed the forums are littered with guilds, but Argent Archives is generally a wider source as not everyone likes posting on the forums due to clutter and otherwise!

Beyond that, have a walk about in Stormwind, Darkshire, Lakeshire and even Sentinel Hill now and again. I’d say do it the week after New Year’s, as activity on the server tends to make a bit of a jump back to normal around that time.

Good luck! Feel free to visit Kirthaven sometime, we Wildhammers love visitors!

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