I am mainly a solo player, questing , farming leveling and exploring and I am enjoying it. Having said that, I would like to join a guild to maybe meet new people and chat a bit. Preferable an adult guild ( I am 53) .
I hope you find something fitting for you!
Since you’re a Pandaren on Alliance side, i assume Fallen leaf would fit your character.
The Fallen Leaf is a Pandaria-aligned and pandaren led paramilitary order that seeks to unify Pandaria and reform its empire to ensure its independence. The order also performs as a mercenary company all around the world to both fund this and to make necessary connections.
A golden leaf
From the tree of old.
It fell at the pinnacle of war,
Bringing not death but dawn.
It rose with the wind,
Traveling across the land,
Gathering many more to join.
Together they fluttered
If decided to go Horde per any chance, Ronin is my recommendation.
^^^^ Please follow this link for some high energy info about the guild!
Hello guildless Pandaren rpers and also fans of Pandaren who also shoulder the monstrous burden of playing the mighty Horde faction!
Ronin is still alive and still looking to recruit more Horde-side Pandaren who want to have a hub of fellow Pands to create and participate in events with.
Click the link above for more info presented in a high effort format.
If you’re interested in making a …
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Thank you.I will look into both. I am levelling up a druid atm. I don’t mind playing on Horde and start fresh either.
February 21, 2020, 10:20am
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