Looking For Midsized Heroic / Mythic Raiding Guild ASAP

Hi all,

Hunter looking for friends!

Having played WoW from Vanilla to mid-Cata, I took a 10+ year hiatus and came back for BFA. Healed my way through all of heroic and half of mythic EP and all of heroic Ny’alotha as a Mistweaver Monk before breaking early this year and waiting for Shadowlands to arrive.

Anyway, thought I’d start out on a new server and a new faction for a different experience. Made this hunter last month and spent some time pugging my way to a 2.4k rio score and blitzing legacy raids for half-decent mogs so I’m not running around Oribos in a rusty chain loincloth in 10 days time.

Raiding-wise, I have expectations to clear Heroic raid tiers through SL and ambitions to clear Mythic. Ideally raids would be ‘late night’ or start around 21:30 to 22:00 server time as I have other evening commitments (wife, dinner, gym!) although it certainly isn’t a deal breaker as I can move these around without too much of a problem :laughing:

I’ll also be looking to regularly push high M+ keys - just perhaps not to the elite level - so it would be good to have some regular friends to do this with.

I also enjoy PVP and arenas in the time around dungeons and raids. As a gamer, I like to tick all the boxes, so there’s not much I won’t get stuck into.

The plan right now, is to min/max my hunter and either level a healer or transfer my monk over to heal as an alt. Either way, I’ll likely be looking to maintain two characters through this expansion.

Guilds based on a strong community, a healthy social scene, helpful attitude and mature approach to kicking pixel dragons to death are my bag.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read, and hopefully there’s a guild out there that’s suitable. Drop me a message on here or catch me in game - I’m sure you’ll have questions, or I’ll have a few myself.



Hi Gangrel

We’re a newly started guild made of wow veterans that have raided together on/off over the course of expansions since WoD. Some of us have played together since the beginning, others have been picked up along the way and chose to hang around. (read: we forced them) As a guild we aim to keep a friendly & cheerful raiding environment, but our ambitions are high and we want people to be able to receive criticism/feedback if underperforming. WARNING You might develop a gold gambling habit from raiding with us! Jokes aside, we want room for jokes and fun, but we all have more fun if we’re actively progressing the raids while playing. For each raid tier we aim to be Cutting Edge around the top 500-1000 range of guilds.

Raid times currently look like this: (Clear trash/prep) - First pull Wed: (19.15) - 19.30 - 22.30 CET Thurs: (first 3 weeks of new tier, then optional) (19.15) - 19.30 - 22.30 CET Sun: (19.15) - 19.30 - 22.30 CET

You may very well fit our current roster needs.

If interested please contact me on discord madzh12#9896

Evening G

Similar to ourselves and why we have set ourselves up for SL

Get in touch if its of interest

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