Looking for new home

Hello fellow adventurers!

I am currently in the search of a new home!
I’ve been playing since WOTLK and took it easy during DF cause of IRL.
I made some renovations to the house and changed job, so gaming went to the more casual side at that point.

Currently i got everything all smooth and sorted out and can pick up my game time again.

What am i looking for?

-2 Day raiding guild, preferably Wed and Sunday (other days might work aswell).
-Raid times around 20 CET - 23CET max.
-Atleast curve - preferably we kill the first bosses into Mythic; no CE by any means.
-Regular M+ runs within the guild.

What can i offer?
-Attendance close to 100%
-Full knowledge on the class i choose to play.
-Flexibility for building the roster.
-The standard - full enchanted gear, sockets, pots, etc…
-Helpfull where i can.
-And the most important… No toxicity

If your guild fits most of the above, i might be the perfect fit!
I havent really decided on my main going into TWW, so i can alter the needs.
although… i think i will probably end up playing Hunter.

Hope to hear you soon! :hugs:

come check us out, we are on Darkmoon Faire but when TWW drops it won’t matter if your on a different realm :slight_smile:

Hi there!

you sound like a great fit for our guild.
We’re on high recruitment for a shadow priest.

We have both a Mythic raiding team and a HC team (curve).

Both teams raid 2 days a week

If you’re interested in either of these teams please feel free to get in touch and we can see what we can do.

Add my discord: Qubiik
Bnet: Qubiik#2554

Hi Vrynix!

Soul Crusaders might be what you’re looking for!

We’ve been around since 2007 and have always valued friendship, camaraderie and teamwork over pixels. These days, we love running M+ and have enjoyed amazing success in HC raids over the course of DF and SL and have enjoyed some Mythic boss kills in S3 and 4 DF for fun. Most of us also have tonnes of alts :joy: Our discord has loads of chatter as well :slight_smile:

Things are currently quiet - a lot of guildies enjoy other games during content lulls in WoW and this time of year is also very busy IRL for a lot of us; but we’re all still about and check in with each other and cannot wait for new content soon :smiley:

We’re on Turalyon/Doomhammer, but this shouldn’t matter soon :smiley:

if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch - Discord is the best for the next week or two, as my IRL is jam-packed; Lakshmii (or Lakshmii#0552 )

You are welcome to join our DC server as well, but almost everything is gated with member access, so don’t be put off when you can’t see much on there! You’ll only be able to view what’s required for applying to the guild, if you don’t have member access. discord.gg/qAFe3Rmj

Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

Hey there !

[Forgotten Souls ] are looking to recruit dps for the raid team for next patch. We raid Sun/Mon evenings each week, if you are interested please get in touch with me. Socials are also very welcome! We are a guild full of friends and we know each other for quite a while already.
We do allot of m+ when there is no raid.

If this sounds something for you , please message me.


One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…

Hi Vrynix

Check out my recruitment post below, I think we could be a fit for you :slight_smile:

We raid twice a week on Wednesday and Thursdays. and out goal is to get at least curve every raid tier. We also run mythic plus dungeons as a guild and are fairly flexible allowing people to jump in when they have time.

discord and get a little unruly but its a great collection of people who are here to have a laugh and create some great memories.

happy to have a chat if you have questions!

We might suit you, give us a think :slight_smile: