I’m 21 and looking for looking for semi hardcore raiding guild that is doing HC and maybe trying some Mythic. I have lots of spare time so can raid almost any night
I am experienced with both Resto and Bal on my Druid and am working on gearing up a monk that i am planning on healing on mostly but would be up for doing what ever is needed for the raid
I have noticed that you are looking for a new home. We are on a different server and faction but If you read our recruitment post and wouldn’t mind changing, then we are currently looking for a healer and a Druid would be an excellent addition to our team.
Here is the link to our recruitment post.
We will raid Heroic content, 2 nights a week (Monday and Wednesday) 8.30pm - 11.30pm Server time
Feel free to contact myself or one of the officers for a chat.
Remnants of Valhalla, Horde on Dragonmaw, we are currently looking to add a healer to our team, preferable a Druid or a Monk.
We raid Wednesday and Sunday from 20.00 - 23.00
We are composed of a long time group of friends of friends and new faces in WoW.
We are a casual raiding guild looking to clear HC as a minimum, but we tend to venture into mythic raiding aswell once thats done.
We would love to hear from you and see if we can get a match and hopefully to see a new face in the guild
I took the liberty to add you on bnet, in case you feel like having a more detailed chat
Hey Micro! This is my recruitment: [H-Draenor] DHX - Heroic and mythic raiding We raid 2 days a week at present, clearing through our farm mythic, progressing further and clearing heroic if there’s time. Best to read the post and if it interests you give me an add on battletag LAORII#2787, or one of the other officers listed in the post. Cheeeeeeers!
We are currently recruiting for our recently formed raiding guild. We are 8/8 hc and seek to achieve Ahead of the Curve each raid tier.
We have a core group of players who have raided together for a long time. We have recently moved to draenor and are looking to expand our roster to find capable players to fill our ranks.
If you’re interested, give me a shout on dynamo#2210
Hey Microdruid. I have sent you a battlenet request. We are the newly formed semi-hardcore raiding guild (raid twice a week, Mon and Thu 21.00-23.00). The guild is a small but pretty active community being the mix of active and returning experienced adult players.
Let’s chat if you are still interested. Cheers
hey buddy, we raid on eu draenor 3 times a week Tuesday Thursday and Sunday 9pm server time till 12 pm server time. be interested in speaking further with you about this boomies are always welcome!, heres our post for reference
Animosity[H] raids on Chamber of Aspects Weds and Mon 9pm-12 server time, with a social raid on Sundays. We’re 8/8HC and interested in a balance druid or MW monk!