Looking For Saturday Raid Guild Thunderstrike Horde

Character - Hyperrage-Thunderstrike
Hi All Thunderstrike Horde,

I’m looking for a guild that raids Saturdays any time during the day or evening. Available almost any Saturday.
I can also do almost Every Tuesday (evenings) and ever other Wednesday (Evenings) or so. And maybe Sundays (must be finished no later than 4pm server). I cannot do Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays.

I am an Orc Warrior mostly in Preraid BIS and some T1.

I currently have dual spec. Deep Prot for Tanking (yes I know it’s not the meta but I like it) , I am considering changing to FuryProt. And then I have a pure Fury DPS build. Sets of gear for both and building towards a fire res set.

I am an older player. Started in TBC originally and quit around MOP. Played on Era servers and now on Anniversary.

I will be honest and say that I do not have time to get every single raid buff, enchants, consumes etc. but I will be as prepared as I possible can and will always try my best to be at any raid I sign up for. As such I would be looking for a semi-casual/semi hardcore but laid back guild.

If you have a spot please message me in game.

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Seems like I didn’t have the right profile on
This should be the correct profile