Hello my name is Emily i’m looking for a guild that is trans friendly i’m a 450 ret pally with level 8 cloak level 73 neck i have tank os but prefer ret
i’ve experienced alot of prejadice lately and would like to move to a more friendly guild i have heroic raid exp i have killed 1 mythic bos while it was current (hellfire assault) probs don’t count lol
i’m always willing to learn and experiance new way of doing things when it comes to raiding
Update i realised wrong char icon also i play EU horde
try Physix on zenedar very lgbtq+ friendly
So you are saying you are transgender… And you want people that respect that or i dont understand?
But yeah if you join us im sure we gonna respect you for the person you are. 
i just want to be around a bunch of people who arn’t offensive all the time like i can have a laugh but that past few guilds i’ve been in are just full of obnoxious closed minded people that just want to cause drama and be toxic i don’t want that in my life
Hey, if you look for a friendly Horde community, our guild Rekindled is open to anyone looking for a social group focused on having no-pressure fun. We do laid back m plus/raiding as well. We play on the RP EU server cluster. If you want to ask more questions and see how you feel about joining, you can visit our Discord server discord.gg/memyzPD. 
Sorry, not sure why. I’m on mobile and I’m horrible at mobile phones.
Here’s a link to our forum post with a permanent link [H][Ravenholdt] <Rekindled>, a WoW based community. Our door is always open
Are you still looking for a guild?
i have found a home now thank you