I have been role-playing now for about 5 years now and have always RP Lexi i have been thinking about starting to Role-play something else and was wondering what others enjoyed to Role-play.
Well, people enjoy role-playing numerous things. It is a very broad question because there are so many possibilities for different role-play ideas. From the simple to the complex.
Perhaps we can help you out by asking what it is you want to achieve in role-play first. Are you interested in perhaps joining a guild and experiencing a new environment?
I am looking for a guild yes just after a few ideas from people to see what they enjoy and perhaps try it out.
Hello there.
Really depends on what you feel more. Though here’s some random, general concepts i personally like.
Spiritual, Traditional Orc Shaman, driven by wisdom, fighting for their people.
Tauren Sage/Seer, offering guidance.
Troll Berserker, especially Revantusk (who are Horde aligned)
Tidesage, even a corrupted one.
A Paladin who progresses his morals, trying to earn serenity
Blood Elf Blood Mage (Warcraft 3)
Bronzebeard Dwarf Explorer/Archaelogist
Undead disciple of Shadow or Death, who’s also a loyalist.
Dark Iron Grim Patron.
Wildhammer Naturalist and/or Gryphon Rider.
A Valarjar/Storm/Titan-esque Warrior, probably Dwarf or Human.
A Night Elf Death Knight, driven by vengeance and hatred, seeking a place among their people, serving them with pride.
An old Orc Warlock with some ties to the Shadow Council.
A scholar of Shadows, who slowly leans towards aligning with it (progresses towards it)
A Troll Hexxer.
A Draenei soulpriest, of Auchenai.
A Dwarf Brewmaster, perhaps wandering around with a Keg of his ale.
A former Sunfury Blood Elf, driven to special twists of madness due to what befallen on them, perhaps taking a dark path.
And many other concepts, I just listed some ideas which name to my mind. Hope they’ll be useful enough for you and inspire you. Good luck!
Fair enough.
There are other concepts to consider:
Do you make a race/class combo that goes against the usual stereotypical paths that they follow?
Do they have heavy flaws?
What drives them to overcome challenges?
I do have a couple of ideas:
The first is a Peon or Farmhand joining a guild working there way up from cleaning the barracks to becoming a great warrior or Paladin.
The second is a Kaldorei Huntress that lost her family during the battle of Darkshore in the fire and is out for revenge. But with BFA almost over perhaps this one may be a little late.
I don’t really think it is. Aren’t night elves still doing their thing despite the truce?
Yes and isn’t it also that Tyrande will have a story in Shadowlands, looking for answers to why Elune abandoned them? Think being a night elf is very interesting now and for the future
Thanks for that, Kumpinator, as if I wasn’t already divided enough, regarding what i want to RP.
Good morning! It’s always a fun challenge to embark on something new. I’ve been drawn over to Horde side by the interesting developments in Forsaken RP from the novel “Before the Storm” though to Sylvanas betraying her people and the Horde, and now the phased introduction of, seemingly, a new Queen in Calia Menethil. I think what it means to be a Forsaken is something now open to greater expression, especially in those Forsaken both coming to grips with betrayal, those still loyal and those who can now begin to re-connect and explore their past lives and how that informs their undead lives. I’d heartily recommend the possibility of exploring some forsaken RP, especially as something of a “regular undead” type, a citizen displaced by the war.
If its something you’re interested in exploring I, and my guild The Tirisfallen, can help organise some RP with you.
Based off of your own ideas, what about a former Paladin of the Silver Hand, slain during the fall of Lordaeron and now, with Sylvanas gone, and some support from a kindly undead priest, starts to re-connect with their faith and attempt to re-connect with The Light? If Undead can wield the Light as Priests I should think they could as Paladins too! Someone on a quest to again be a Knight and protector to their people, regardless of their people now being undead.
Best of luck in your search!
This doesn’t sound good.
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